The Sun Squares Uranus:

The Sun Squares Uranus:


On Monday July 29th at 7:13 P.M. EDT this explosive and potentially dangerous square demands our attention. Be careful. Don’t step into any situation that seems unstable or fraught with risk. This is a day when you would be better off sitting by a pool or a lake and trying to relax. As with any transit this can manifest in a number of ways.

If you focus this energy you can get a lot done. There is a strong force pushing us all, and when you use that force to your advantage you can accomplish much. But do use some caution. There will be an undercurrent of energy no matter what you do, but you don’t need to add more fuel to the fire. Interactions with others might be difficult, as we all will be feeling the power that this aspect can produce. If you’re traveling you must be careful. When driving, do so in a defensive manner. Don’t rush to get where you’re going. If someone cuts you off, just let it be. Getting angry is very easy today, but you don’t have to let it overwhelm you. There may be some events in the world that represent what this square implies, and since we are in the midst of an eclipse season and this is at the Dark of the Moon, I wouldn’t be shocked by something explosive. I’m concerned about some worldly situations including Iran, but we have no control over the world, only over our own lives. So use that control to avoid anything that could be dangerous. There is no reason to assume that you will be caught up in something horrific. Although you may get into a dispute with someone, having been forewarned it need not get overblown into anything more than a momentary few choice words. Essentially, this square wants action and reaction. Change is the real goal, and if you can find some new way of looking at your life or of dealing with an ongoing situation you may find this to be a liberating and positive event. This square can at times be very active in the financial markets, usually to the downside.