Any Problems with my recent Lecture?

Any Problems with my recent Lecture?

If anyone purchased my recent lecture and is having difficulties downloading it, please let me know and we will take care of it. This Mercury in retrograde we have had a few glitches and a few people have had problems retrieving the files.

Thank you. I hope you all enjoy the lecture.


I’m not able to find the link to the lecture to purchase it. Can you please send? Thanks.

Beth, go to the home page and scroll down. It took me a while to figure it out also.

No problems, but I listened very late at night, so I am clarifying, did you say that the recession would start Jan 202 and last until May of 2022. Not a depression and just a year. It was at the end of the tape (past bedtime for sure) so wondering.

Hi Mitchell,

I tried to reach you twice via your link on “Astrolisting” with a specific question. Just wondering if you received it or if I should be using another email contact .