Full Moon Eclipse:

Full Moon Eclipse:


This month’s lunar peak occurs on Tuesday July 16th at 5:38 P.M. EST at 24 degrees Capricorn 04 minutes, and it’s a lunar eclipse. All Full Moons deserve our respect and should be approached with some care. This is especially true when it’s an eclipse. The Cancer – Capricorn axis is very emotional and often brings up issues from our past. This month will be filled with issues about close connections and childhood dreams and traumas that may be unresolved. Family dynamics are in play, no matter how you define family. Close relationships with lovers or friends may be affected and you should be careful how you deal with your closest people. Eclipses are especially powerful and have a long lasting effect that can take months to complete. If this hits your chart you may find that you are feeling a strong desire to get something out into the open. Eclipses often bring things to an end, but only if they are truly no longer valid. Try to listen to your inner voice and examine what’s going on in your life. If someone or some project isn’t working out it would be better to admit it and cut your losses. Just be sure you aren’t ending something out of spite or anger. We all seem to readily accept the end of a situation but seem to have a more difficult time seeing the beginning of a new one. Most endings lead to the start of something new. Try to see these eclipses in that light and they will be more productive.


This aspect sits exactly on America’s Mercury, ruler of communication and ideas. Robert Mueller was supposed to testify tomorrow in front of Congress. But the retrograde Mercury has, as usual, delayed that. While I doubt that there will be many shocking revelations, the simple fact that he has been subpoenaed and will once again take center stage in our drama will have an effect. Venus will oppose Saturn tomorrow as well, which will add yet another layer of obligation and limitations to our stifled national conversation. We can’t judge what should be nor reflect on what ifs. We can only deal with what is and do our best to change that into what will be.


This is a unique time in history when our collective decisions will have an immense impact on the future of the world and may be looked back upon as the moment when humanity chose whether to be or not to be. That, truly and finally is – the question. Eclipses have a way of putting things in a perspective that we often cannot see. This is such a time. Will we allow the forests that nurture all life to be destroyed so a few can make a profit? Will we turn our backs on a million species desperate for life, as all living things are? Pollute the planet beyond the point of fixing? Or will we finally take our place on this earth that we share with all beings and begin the healing? It will take more than words, songs and prayers. It will take fortitude and the strength to stand up to those who will not see, and do not care. This is the beginning of the final battle. Become a soldier in the only war that matters. The war to save our planet.

I don’t know if my Astros are in conjunction to utter my opinion,but I I feel good after reading your note, thank you very much