The Sun Opposes Pluto:

The Sun Opposes Pluto:


On Sunday July 14th at 10:46 A.M. EDT this powerful aspect will continue the intensity we felt on Thursday with the Mars square Uranus. Keep in mind what I have said before. These transits do not force us to act in any particular way; they just create an atmosphere that we must work within. If you approach them in the right way you can use the energy to your advantage. This opposition could make it difficult to sidestep any confrontations and disagreements. Because of the ongoing Saturn – Pluto conjunction that will complete in January, any inner planet can act as a trigger to set off that underlying force and may create a situation either in your own life or on the world stage. With the tension with Iran, North Korea, China, etc. it wouldn’t take much to create an event. And with the divide in our nation so severe it wouldn’t take much to set off a chain reaction.


On a personal level you may find that you are forced to address some issues that you may have thought were resolved. The only way to deal with Pluto is to face it directly and find compromise, even while you stand up for your rights. This planet, more than any other, demands that you take the power being offered and use it. Otherwise you risk being on the losing end and not able to defend yourself and your opinions.