Recent lecture is finally available

Recent lecture is finally available

My recent financial lecture “A survival guide to 2020 and America’s Pluto Return” is FINALLY available.

After some technical difficulties. Retrograde Mercury etc. If you’re interested, please visit the site. Mitch

Mitch, I clicked on the link after receiving a notification via email of the availability of your lecture on 2020 but to no avail. Where is it?

I heard part of your conversation with George N. last night. How can I hear the entire conversation ??
How can I hear your talk on Pluto’s Return ??

Hi Mitch
I ordered and paid for the lecture and it came through with two tabs so I did the pdf one and the graphics came through fine. When I went back to get the recording download, I got a message from WordPress that I had reached my download level then nothing more. I have searched everywhere for it on my computer – no go. Do you have any ideas about what I am doing wrong (Mercury retrograde)? When I went back to find my receipt with the download tabs, it is gone.
Sandy Walker

I ‘won’ a free copy of the speech but can not locate it in my email. It may be under the name of the person who ran the contest. Do you know her name? It was connected to your website. Thank you

I just paid you 25.00 for your lecture but you did not send it to me. Either send it to me or refund my money