New Moon Eclipse in Cancer:

New Moon Eclipse in Cancer:


The New Moon falls on Tuesday July 2nd at 3:16 P.M. EDT at 10 degrees Cancer 38 minutes and it’s a Solar Eclipse. In our personal lives this New Moon eclipse is offering us all an opportunity to make some important changes. This aspect demands that you look over your circumstances and see what issues are ongoing and continue to have validity and which are no longer working out to your advantage. Eclipses tend to end many things that have peaked, though it may take a number of months before you accept that fact and the final decision is reached. Use these eclipses to your advantage. Don’t be afraid of change, embrace it. While it may not all be pleasant there is a reason for what comes out. The results are a matter of how you approach it. If you are direct and honest about the issues that come up, this will be a productive period. If you pretend that everything is honky-dory when it isn’t, there will be some disruptions and conflicts over the coming month. With eclipses you need to expect the unexpected and keep an open mind and a clear perspective. By accepting what comes to you, you will have less trouble dealing with the energy and the events it creates. Just respect the power of these eclipses and use common sense.


The eclipse seasons can be fraught with peril a lot because of the unpredictability of events that may occur. While most of the time transits simply push us in a direction and how we respond to them will decide what the results are, there are times when the energy is more intense than the individual’s resolve. We see that applying now in the underbelly as the Great Capricorn Alignment comes into play. The Eclipses this month are in Cancer & Capricorn in direct sign aspect to that coming alignment. There will be a number of events in the world this summer that this will trigger. Some will be obvious in their importance, for example the Iranian situation. Some will seem quite passive and mundane and their underlying meaning could easily be overlooked. Robert Mueller is scheduled to address Congress on July 17th, on a retrograde Mercury right after the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 24 degrees Capricorn, which will conjunct America’s Mercury exactly, as well as being very close to transiting Saturn & Pluto. I discuss that later in this newsletter. But suffice to say that no matter what the outcome of that testimony will be, and what information may or may not be forthcoming, this will be a powerful moment in our collective consciousness. It is another example of the dangerous rift that exists in our nation.


These Eclipses will affect the whole world of course, not just America. But we are a Cancer country with the Sun at 13 degrees of that sign. This Solar Eclipse is only 3 degrees away from that point. I think we will see some powerful actions as a result. As students of astrology know, eclipses can take many months to play out. The initial shock that occurs near the configuration can be explosive or not. But the final solution will not be known until there is planetary activity at the same degree as the eclipse. Because we are heading towards this Capricorn Alignment and America’s Pluto Return every event that occurs now will have a deeper underlying meaning. I do think it’s rather interesting that our president has decided to display a dictatorial style military parade through the streets of our capital on our nation’s birth date, something that has never been done before. In many ways these are very much a pair of “American Eclipses” and there may be severe results in the coming months to what takes place this July. Watch the signs, folks. We are inching more and more towards a non-democratic government. As they say, those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.