The Sun Enters Cancer:

The Sun Enters Cancer:


On Friday June 21st at 11:54 A.M. EDT we finally enter summer. While June often feels like my favorite season (I am a Cancer, BTW) it’s really July and August that are the meat of summer. Today is the longest day of the year, as many of you know. That’s a good thing, except that now every day will be just a little bit shorter. Oh well. Get out and enjoy yourself. Protect against the Sun, but live, laugh and splash in a pool, river or the ocean. This is when I feel most childlike and all the years seem to fade away. I love to run on the beach, ride the waves on a boogyboard, eat ice cream and pretend that I’m 19 again (as long as I avoid mirrors.) Cancer is the sign of the family. It has much to do with the past and often this is the month people revisit their childhoods – the good the bad and the ugly. It’s a time to spend with anyone you think of as family and to give your emotions more sway than you may normally allow. I like to revisit the places of my youth that are still there. My grandmother had a house in Long Beach NY and I always make it a point to drive out there a few times in July and sit outside that house letting the memories wash over me. So delve into your past and invite your younger self in for a cup of tea and a chat. You may be surprised by what you learn. They say: the child is father to the man.

Because this is one of the most emotional of signs we will all feel the tug on our heartstrings. I always believe that if you follow the river’s flow you will get along better and without as much struggle. Maybe you should let the tears fall and embrace your compassion. Mercury and Mars are also traveling through Cancer so don’t be surprised if people respond more from feelings than intellect. Share your inner child and you may find that someone special is right in front of you. Hide from your feelings and you will never know what could have been. Play, my children, and love without sin. J