Mercury conjuncts Mars:

Mercury conjuncts Mars:


On Tuesday June 18th at 12:05 P.M. EDT this powerful and potentially explosive aspect pushes a lot of force out, especially in verbal interaction. Arguments and pent up anger are certainly to be expected. How bad it becomes depends on several issues. This is followed tomorrow by Mercury and Mars in in opposition to Pluto, which will heighten this energy greatly and add to the underlying sense of frustration and angst. Whether or not you will personally get involved has to do with two things. If this sets off your chart, in particular your personal planets or Uranus you will be prone to overreact to this energy. If that’s the case you simply must pay attention for the next few days and try your best to avoid dangerous or volatile situations. Much will have to do with your natal chart. If you tend to be fiery with a Mars or Mercury affliction you are more likely to be affected. If you meditate or have had enough therapy and learned to redirect your anger you may be able to avoid most problems. If this is used properly it will simply be a lot of mental energy being emitted, which can certainly result in a positive and productive few days. It’s up to you as to how you handle any transit. Be careful and pay attention to what’s going on around you. If you’re traveling this week you must be conscious not only of your own actions but of those around you. It’s easy to innocently step into a hassle and not be able to extricate from it. Both of these planets will oppose Pluto tomorrow and the intensity of this will continue. Use some caution and try not to get caught up in useless disputes. Any situation that seems dangerous or potentially violent should be approached with great care.

Caitlin Johnstone is reporting that US is planning massive attack on an Iran nuclear facility. (Cited in Jerusalem Post)

I always expected Trump to use Iran to try and help get him reelected. These transits all fit right into the plan.
My prayers for the civilians in the line of fire.