Full Moon in Sagittarius:

Full Moon in Sagittarius:


This month’s lunar peak occurs on Monday June 17th at 4:31 A.M. EST at 25 degrees Sagittarius 53 minutes. This can be a very exciting and sociable few days when people will be outgoing and anxious for new and adventurous pursuits. Sagittarius is one of the most active and gregarious of the signs, and as long as you pay heed to a few things you should be able to have fun. This sign is well known for its ability to blow things out of proportion and under the Full Moon energy and yesterday’s Jupiter – Neptune square you need to be careful and try to keep things in perspective. This can be an exhilarating escapade or a journey waiting to happen. You shouldn’t spend the day inside in front of a computer. Get out and explore the world. Any social gathering will be lively and exuberant, so make plans with your close people, or plan a trip somewhere. Because this follows the Jupiter square Neptune from yesterday we may see a big move in the stock markets. Which way? As my readers know I’m very bearish on the equities and continue to expect more dips than rises. Frankly I don’t think this is a time to be in the markets, unless you’re day trading and looking for bargains, or seeking places to short it.

As always this Full Moon will have an effect until the next New Moon. Because of its sign placement you can expect some big ideas, events and possibilities to appear. Take advantage of them, but try to keep things as realistic as you can. Sagittarius doesn’t like anything small. It will always look for the biggest, the brightest and the most expensive. Enjoy, but keep an eye on your pocketbook. J


On the world stage there are several situations heating up rapidly, and while we as individuals can’t have much of an affect, it’s still important to stay aware and try to grasp the truth about what’s occurring. At the moment the most immediately dangerous action is once again taking place in the Middle East. This situation with Iran is pushing us towards a potentially deadly war. The escalation of this conflict has been a goal since the last presidential election pushing us closer and closer to a violent conflict that will destabilize the region even more and hand control to the Saudis and, inadvertently to the Russians. I don’t want to debate the underlying politics involved, but I do feel the need to point out the hypocrisy of this policy from a president who promised to get America out of foreign entanglements and has only managed to damage our relationships with our historic allies while escalating a number of situation teetering on the brink of armed conflict. A Full Moon, especially in expansive Sagittarius can be very volatile. And in the coming week we will have Mercury conjunct Mars, mercury opposite Pluto, and mars opposite Pluto – each with the potential for explosiveness. My fingers are crossed hoping we can resolve this peacefully.