Jupiter Squares Neptune: A Very Important Transit:

Jupiter Squares Neptune: A Very Important Transit:


On Sunday June 16th at 11:18 A.M. EDT this complicated aspect can create a wonderland of illusion, or a nightmare of confusion. Think of poor Alice tumbling through the rabbit hole into a world of the unknown filled with delight and trauma. The best way to deal with this is to try to be as realistic as possible, but that may not be an easy thing to achieve. If something seems too good to be true, it probably is. Don’t take everything at face value. People will not be as honest and straightforward as they appear, and there will be a lot of bulls**t thrown around. Make sure you know what’s going on. If you don’t, you would probably be better off sidestepping the situation. Be especially careful in financial situations where you could be connived at a big cost. If something is on sale in the supermarket at a ridiculously low price, make sure to check out the expiration date.

This can be a very positive aspect for any creative venture. Some of my most memorable band performances were done under this type of influence, and I still have the tapes that show the exceptional height of creativity we reached. Your meditations may be rather extreme and a sense of spirituality is in the air. While this will not be the best day to sign contracts or make business decisions, your philosophical or spiritual side might be seriously stimulated and help you understand some concepts that are normally out of reach.

The real world issues of this square have to do with faith. Jupiter is the ancient ruler of Pisces and Neptune is the modern ruler. What do you truly believe in? And how can you best put those beliefs into action? In 2016 we were experiencing a Saturn – Neptune square that clouded our sense of reality so severely that it was impossible to cut through the deceptions and hear the truth. Foreign interference in our election, distorted facts and outright lies were rampant, and the end result is that we have entered a period where the structure and foundation (Saturn) we have grown to rely on is crumbling before our eyes. Neptune is not interested in what we call reality. It answers to a different set of rules. This isn’t just happening in America, but throughout the world.

Now with that Neptunian energy activated on expansive Jupiter it’s so very important that we dig into the illusions and ferret out the underlying truth or we could see an exacerbation of the problem. This square is also clearly resulting in questions of faith and religion. The separation of church and state is once again a major issue, the fate of Roe V. Wade, the rights of certain religious orders to deny vaccinations versus the rights of the general population to protect their health, and so on.

With the stock markets acting out as a petulant child and the Sagittarius Full Moon completing tomorrow morning there will be a major move in the equities. With Neptune’s deception and detachment to reality it could go either way. I believe it will be to the downside, and push us further into correction territory further convincing the world that we are in a bear market, but this is just a moment in time and anything can happen in a few days. I will be putting out a broader interpretation of where I believe the stock markets are heading and when I think the recession and deterioration of the equities will take place. My upcoming lecture series will very much be focused on that topic.

For now just keep your head clear and question anything that seems a bit shady or confusing. Enjoy this energy for what it is – a few days of fantasy with a heightened sense of creativity and spirituality.