Mercury opposes Saturn:

Mercury opposes Saturn:


On Sunday June 16th at 10:00 A.M. EDT the low energy that began with Mars opposite Saturn on Friday continues through today. This aspect will limit our ability to express ourselves, and you may find many conversations take a rather serious approach. This isn’t a bad aspect, but it is one that limits our verbal vitality. People are more interested in what’s happening behind the façade and will tend to dig deeply into a subject. If there’s something important that you need to discuss and have felt reluctant to do so because of the significance of the matter, this is a day to face it. But be careful. When Saturn is activated we tend to only see the worst of a situation and the more negative side of things comes to the surface. If you can keep that in mind and not take things too seriously you will be able to deal with the issues in a realistic and clear-minded way. But if you let the negativity overwhelm you, you will just slip into a restrictive and uncomfortable place where nothing much is accomplished. It’s really up to you and how you deal with the force this creates. Free-will astrology, and all that. Jupiter is in square to Neptune today as well, and that will make things difficult to sift through. The fog of Neptune will be exacerbated by Jupiter’s expansive nature and might make it very hard to see things clearly. Herein lies the conundrum. Saturn is very realistic, and Neptune isn’t. Which will be more persuasive has to do with how you approach things.