Mars Opposes Saturn:

Mars Opposes Saturn:


On Friday June 14th at 11:49 A.M. EDT this low energy aspect will set the atmosphere for a few days. Mars rules the ego and the energy we use to push forward. Saturn is the most restrictive of the planets, and when these two come in contact it is the Saturn that mostly takes control. Don’t expect to have your usual oomph, especially if this hits your natal chart. You should keep in mind that this is quite a limited force. But it’s not bad. Aspects really aren’t good or evil. It’s how we use them. If you can focus your attention where it’s most needed you can accomplish a great deal under this opposition. Your thoughts will be concentrated and your projects can be moved forward in a slow and meticulous manner. This can be a very good aspect for work and dealing with obligations and responsibilities. The place where this may give us the most difficult is in our personal relationships. All oppositions are worked out through other people. One of us must play the Mars while the other plays the Saturn. And though we will shift back and forth in those roles, still the restrictive nature of Saturn can make it difficult to express our energy, ego and sexuality. If you keep that in mind and don’t try to overdo things or play the big dog this can be a productive and satisfying few days. But keep in mind that everyone is experiencing this energy on some level, and it can be a very frustrating time. So try not to push other people too much or get drawn into their sense of dissatisfaction. This is followed on Sunday by Mercury in opposition to Saturn, so this low energy will continue through the weekend. Relax, takes things in stride and don’t try to do too much. Lounge by the pool, the lake or a park and watch the doggies play. You may notice that they also are rather low-key.