June 2019
Note: All aspects are most powerful and effective as they apply. Once the transit has completed, its force is lessened. The further it separates the weaker it becomes.
We are racing towards the Great Capricorn alignment of Mars, Jupiter, Saturn & Pluto in Capricorn that begins in early 2020 followed by America’s Pluto Return. Students of astrology are quite aware of this. I’ll be doing a series of lectures around the country addressing this period and how we can best prepare and protect ourselves and our loved ones against the coming tides. In June I will be in Philadelphia for the local NCGR chapter on Sunday June 23rd at Community Center At Giant, 315 York Road, Willow Grove, Pa. and on Thursday June 27th 7:00 at the Theosophical Society/Quest Bookstore at 240 East 53rd Street in New York City There are other lectures planned which I will announce soon.
Those of you who follow my work know that I have been warning of a bear market, an impending recession and an eventual stock market crash over the coming 2 years. I have repeatedly advised my clients and friends to take most of their money out of the markets and leave it on the sideline for the time being. This is especially true if you are older and much of your savings and retirement is currently invested in stocks. I know many accounts require that you pay taxes on your capital gains. You need to discuss this with your financial advisor and find out exactly what kind of account you have and what the penalty will be. Some accounts allow you to leave the money in as bonds or cash without paying taxes. Others do not. You must find out what your liability is and then you can decide on the best course of action.
The stocks are growing more and more volatile with 300 point moves, mostly to the downside. This is the result of a number of issues, including the policies this administration has put into play. Donald Trump has bankrupted every business he has ever run, and single-handedly almost put Atlantic City out of business, all while losing more than a billion dollars. Why anyone would believe that he has suddenly turned into some sort of business genius in beyond me. He is doing to our nation just what he did in his many business dealings; barrowed money, taking huge amounts of cash out, and leaving the bills and creditors to fend for themselves to pick through the remains. Now it is the American taxpayer who he has put into that position.
The tax theft of 2017 is the most obvious example. More than a trillion and a half dollars was taken out of our society and handed to the richest 1% in the form of tax cuts to corporations that mostly benefited stock holders. Now as the initial boost to the stocks that act created is wearing off, we are reeling from the effect of just what that means. He has invoked a trade war with most of the world, but especially China. While I do agree that China doesn’t play very nicely in the sandbox and must be dealt with, Trump’s way of going about it is just one more example of acting without knowledge or forethought. Then to appease his base he’s taking billions of dollars from our treasury and handing it to the farmers who are being severely hurt by those very tariffs he has created. And where do you think that money is coming from? China, who holds the largest majority of our debt could at any time decide not to roll our bonds over. While I don’t believe they are about to do that, if they did it would quite simply cripple our economy overnight.
But that’s only the beginning of the problems the world economy faces as we approach 2020. Add to that Brexit, Italy, Venezuela, Brazil, the cost of climate change, etc. and we are quickly reaching the point where at any moment the stock markets can begin panic selling, which can easily turn into a worldwide market crash. The bond markets are seeing an inversion, when the short term bonds; 3 months, one year, are paying more than the 30 year long bonds. Historically this occurs right before a recession. It implies that investors are losing faith in the financial markets for the long term and are only willing to invest in the short term. But Trump either doesn’t understand that or doesn’t care. He’s using our treasury as his own piggy bank and doing just what he always does – building up the hype, getting people to invest and then taking out the profits for himself and his friends, leaving everyone else to pay the piper.
Far more dangerous even than an economic downturn are the repercussions of the political chasm that now exists. We all know what the underlying struggle is doing to our culture. We are like an estranged couple who shout across the kitchen table at each other because we can no longer find common ground for communication. I’m not ready to make my predictions about who will win the 2020 election; it’s still much too early. But I don’t believe that Trump will be reelected, at least in an “honest contest”. His transits are terrible, his approval rating has never risen more than a few points since his election, and more people are finally waking up to just who he is and what he is doing to our nation. While you may support some of his policies or ideas, in my opinion the vast majority of them are destructive and counterproductive. He has taken powers that no president in our history has evoked, and that threatens our democracy at its very core.
But this isn’t about Trump. It’s about the future of our nation and world. Climate change, an irrefutable reality that Trump emphatically denies, has catastrophic implications, an escalating arms race, the gross imbalance of wealth distribution and the imminent extinction of a million species, just to name a few of the issues lingering on the sidelines. And each of these will escalate under this coming massive conjunct of planets over the next 2 years.
I am not a doomsday prophet. But I do see the reality we are facing. If we continue on this path much longer there will be no turnaround. That reality is beginning to hit many Americans, as well as people from all the nations, with many right-wing leaders grabbing power around the globe. And while we are certainly in a period of history that feels tragically similar to the 1930s, when the Nazi Party marched through Manhattan and held a gigantic rally in Madison Square Garden, I believe that we can stop the momentum right here in America, just as we did almost a century ago, and possibly begin a new movement of such magnitude it will mirror, or perhaps even eclipse the progressive undertaking designed by the Roosevelt administration. I can only hope. Much love to you all. Mitch.
The New Moon falls on Monday June 3rd at 6:02 A.M. EDT at 12 degrees Gemini 34 minutes. As you know, this is the sign of the twins. Its duality is well-known and many people with a lot of Gemini energy tend to change their minds quite frequently, and often are capably of multi-tasking. In fact, they feel more at ease when doing several things at once. Of course there are times when focusing on a single issue can be more productive, but don’t try telling that to a Gemini. This is the sign most associated with communication, exploring new ideas and short journeys. With the Sun and the New Moon in this mutable air sign this is a month to move things forward. Don’t be afraid to explore new ideas or change the direction of a project. You may find a better way of dealing with it. But try not to fall into the Gemini trap of not completing things you have begun. In some ways they can mimic Aries, the sign most associated with starting things they never finish.
Gemini is very much a sociable and relationship oriented sign. It rules the 3rd house of siblings, relatives, neighbors, communication and day-to-day interaction. While it’s true that many Geminis don’t feel comfortable in a conventional marriage and tend to get bored easily and flit between friends and activities, they are most content when interacting with others and feel more secure in groups. Many of the Geminis I know don’t really like solitude and will often surround themselves with people just to hear the chatter. This is one of the most affable of the signs. So try to reflect that attitude this month and stay busy, extroverted and gregarious. You will be very active with thoughts, emails, phone calls, texts and new ideas that will flow continuously.
On Tuesday June 4th at 4:05 P.M. EDT until June 26th at 8:20 P.M. EDT the planet of thought and communication enters this decidedly emotional sign. This can create a mixture of intellect and feelings that can be quite useful for artists and anyone exploring the inner workings of the psyche, including therapists, performers and anyone dealing with the public. But it can also make some issues foggy and confusing, especially in issues regarding business, finances and relationships. Which is in charge; the mind or the emotions? And how do you decide which path to follow? Now it’s a question of balancing the two and finding common ground where both the intellect and the passions each have a say. When you can combine the two you have an opportunity to create a more satisfying result. Try not to be overly empathetic to the point where you lose yourself while trying to appease everyone. That won’t work. But do allow for your more compassionate side to have a say.
On Friday June 7th at 10:16 A.M. our minds will be moving quickly with new ideas and much input. This is a good time to pursue a different approach to your problems. Stay open to new ways of thinking. If you allow your thought the room to meander you may be surprised by some concepts that you discover. This is a day to stay busy and not get bogged down in the small details. Uranus wants freedom and the ability to step outside the box. Short journeys will be especially productive and can help you shake off the doldrums blues. A quick trip to the beach or the mountains for a day, or a long walk through the city will open your eyes to some new things you hadn’t noticed before. Communications will also take a new and adventurous path, so stay as open-minded as you can and listen to what others have to say.
On Saturday June 8th at 9:37 P.M. EDT until July 3rd 11:18 A.M. EDT Venus joins the Sun in this mutable air sign. Expect people to be somewhat confused about personal relationships and to change their minds more often than usual. Putting the planet of love into the sign of intellectual pursuit can make for an interesting but somewhat baffling time when your usual approach to romance might not work. This is a time to seduce your partner through communication, more than with wine, kisses and song. (Not that I’m recommending giving those up. J) it’s through your words that you will express yourself best. Because Venus is the planet that brings up the most pleasure in life, while it is traveling through this sign we will all gain much joy from travel. Luckily this is happening in the early summer, a time when many of us choose to take trips anyway. You may have some of the most enjoyable journey with great memories. Remember to take a lot of pictures so you can revisit these adventures in later years.
On Sunday June 9th at 3:34 P.M. EDT this very confusing and at time debilitating square will create a heavy fog around us. Don’t take things at face value. Delve into the underlying purpose and real meaning to what’s being done. It’s easy to be misdirected when Neptune is active, and some people will take advantage of that atmosphere to be illusive or project a dishonest persona. For a few days leading up to this square you need to pay attention and be careful not to misunderstand things. This is a very low energy transit and many of us will feel it. It may represent a health issue, but only if it hits your chart. People will not feel very enthusiastic or overly physical, so don’t try to get a lot of action done. This is a day for contemplation and meditation. You may not feel like doing much, and relaxing wouldn’t be a bad idea. Probably there is nothing wrong with you that a few hours of rest won’t cure. Remember, aspects do not make you sick. They will bring things to the surface that already exist.
On Monday June 10th at 11:28 A.M. EDT this very positive and optimistic aspect will give us all a day of sociability and outgoing energy. This is a great day to get together with friends or for a short journey. With Venus transiting Gemini travel is highly recommended this entire month, and especially with Jupiter activated. There’s excitement in the air and people want to interact. This is not a day to spend alone. Get together with others and enjoy activities, especially outside. Anything in nature will be very pleasurable. But so will a party, dinner or entertainment event, such as a show, movie or trip to a museum. Following yesterday’s Sun opposite Neptune we all need some positive and enthusiastic drive, so get out and do something fun. But remember that Jupiter often gives us more of what we already have. If there are confusing and misleading actions still in play from yesterday, they may be exacerbated now. Often the Sun square Neptune will be a very bearish signal in the stock markets. With Jupiter’s influence it may be a very bad day for the equities, or they may turn around as this aspect applies. This is a day I would sit out if day-trading and see which way the wind blows. If the stocks do come in lower and don’t reverse by 11:00 AM they are going down big time.
On Friday June 14th at 11:49 A.M. EDT this low energy aspect will set the atmosphere for a few days. Mars rules the ego and the energy we use to push forward. Saturn is the most restrictive of the planets, and when these two come in contact it is the Saturn that mostly takes control. Don’t expect to have your usual oomph, especially if this hits your natal chart. You should keep in mind that this is quite a limited force. But it’s not bad. Aspects really aren’t good or evil. It’s how we use them. If you can focus your attention where it’s most needed you can accomplish a great deal under this opposition. Your thoughts will be concentrated and your projects can be moved forward in a slow and meticulous manner. This can be a very good aspect for work and dealing with obligations and responsibilities. The place where this may give us the most difficult is in our personal relationships. All oppositions are worked out through other people. One of us must play the Mars while the other plays the Saturn. And though we will shift back and forth in those roles, still the restrictive nature of Saturn can make it difficult to express our energy, ego and sexuality. If you keep that in mind and don’t try to overdo things or play the big dog this can be a productive and satisfying few days. But keep in mind that everyone is experiencing this energy on some level, and it can be a very frustrating time. So try not to push other people too much or get drawn into their sense of dissatisfaction. This is followed on Sunday by Mercury in opposition to Saturn, so this low energy will continue through the weekend. Relax, takes things in stride and don’t try to do too much. Lounge by the pool, the lake or a park and watch the doggies play. You may notice that they also are rather low-key.
On Sunday June 16th at 10:00 A.M. EDT the low energy that began with Mars opposite Saturn on Friday continues through today. This aspect will limit our ability to express ourselves, and you may find many conversations take a rather serious approach. This isn’t a bad aspect, but it is one that limits our verbal vitality. People are more interested in what’s happening behind the façade and will tend to dig deeply into a subject. If there’s something important that you need to discuss and have felt reluctant to do so because of the significance of the matter, this is a day to face it. But be careful. When Saturn is activated we tend to only see the worst of a situation and the more negative side of things comes to the surface. If you can keep that in mind and not take things too seriously you will be able to deal with the issues in a realistic and clear-minded way. But if you let the negativity overwhelm you, you will just slip into a restrictive and uncomfortable place where nothing much is accomplished. It’s really up to you and how you deal with the force this creates. Free-will astrology, and all that. Jupiter is in square to Neptune today as well, and that will make things difficult to sift through. The fog of Neptune will be exacerbated by Jupiter’s expansive nature and might make it very hard to see things clearly. Herein lies the conundrum. Saturn is very realistic, and Neptune isn’t. Which will be more persuasive has to do with how you approach things.
On Sunday June 16th at 11:18 A.M. EDT this complicated aspect can create a wonderland of illusion, or a nightmare of confusion. Think of poor Alice tumbling through the rabbit hole into a world of the unknown filled with delight and trauma. The best way to deal with this is to try to be as realistic as possible, but that may not be an easy thing to achieve. If something seems too good to be true, it probably is. Don’t take everything at face value. People will not be as honest and straightforward as they appear, and there will be a lot of bulls**t thrown around. Make sure you know what’s going on. If you don’t, you would probably be better off sidestepping the situation. Be especially careful in financial situations where you could be connived at a big cost. If something is on sale in the supermarket at a ridiculously low price, make sure to check out the expiration date.
This can be a very positive aspect for any creative venture. Some of my most memorable band performances were done under this type of influence, and I still have the tapes that show the exceptional height of creativity we reached. Your meditations may be rather extreme and a sense of spirituality is in the air. While this will not be the best day to sign contracts or make business decisions, your philosophical or spiritual side might be seriously stimulated and help you understand some concepts that are normally out of reach.
With the stock markets acting out as a petulant child and the Sagittarius Full Moon completing tomorrow morning there will be a major move in the equities. I believe it will be to the downside, and push us further into correction territory further convincing the world that we are in a bear market.
This month’s lunar peak occurs on Monday June 17th at 4:31 A.M. EST at 25 degrees Sagittarius 53 minutes. This can be a very exciting and sociable few days when people will be outgoing and anxious for new and adventurous pursuits. Sagittarius is one of the most active and gregarious of the signs, and as long as you pay heed to a few things you should be able to have great fun. This sign is well known for its ability to blow things out of proportion and under the Full Moon energy and yesterday’s Jupiter – Neptune square you need to be careful and try to keep things in perspective. This can be an exhilarating escapade or a journey waiting to happen. You shouldn’t spend the day inside in front of a computer. Get out and explore the world. Any social gathering will be lively and exuberant, so make plans with your close people, or plan a trip somewhere. Because this follows the Jupiter square Neptune from yesterday you can expect a big move in the stock markets. Which way? Well, with Neptune so active it can certainly go in either direction, though historically that is a bearish indicator and I’m inclined to think it will be to the downside. As my readers know I’m very bearish on the equities and continue to expect more dips than rises. Frankly I don’t think this is a time to be in the markets, unless you’re day trading and looking for bargains, or seeking places to short it.
As always this Full Moon will have an effect until the next New Moon. Because of its sign placement you can expect some big ideas, events and possibilities to appear. Take advantage of them, but try to keep that perspective as realistic as you can. Sagittarius doesn’t like anything small. It will always look for the biggest, the brightest and the most expensive. Enjoy, but keep an eye on your pocketbook. J
On Tuesday June 18th at 7:40 A.M. EDT this sobering sextile allows us to put a more stabilizing force behind Neptune’s illusions and distractions. This is a good aspect for artists and creative people of all sorts. Saturn puts a structure around Neptune’s flair and is used properly this can be a few days when you can get a lot of work done on any project. Neptune rules our fantasies and our spirituality, while Saturn is concerned with the foundation and structure. When these two work well together it’s possible to find a secure place to rest your imagination, dreams and whims, giving them a place in reality they don’t normally have. Use this combination to find a place of balance between the ethereal and the concrete. Many very successful and wealthy people have an aspect between these two. Saturn’s ability to lay a strong foundation can help find a good place for Neptune’s esthetic power. This is a good aspect for working on artistic endeavors. You may be able to find the answer to a problem you have been struggling with in your song, novel or painting. This sextile should create a short term bottom to the markets, but in the long run I’m still not a fan of the stocks.
On Tuesday June 18th at 12:05 P.M. EDT this powerful and potentially explosive aspect pushes a lot of force out, especially in verbal interaction. Arguments and pent up anger are certainly to be expected. How bad it becomes depends on several issues. This is followed tomorrow by Mercury and Mars in in opposition to Pluto, which will heighten this energy greatly and add to the underlying sense of frustration and angst. Whether or not you will personally get involved has to do with two things. If this sets off your chart, in particular your personal planets or Uranus you will be prone to overreact to this energy. If that’s the case you simply must pay attention for the next few days and try your best to avoid dangerous or volatile situations. Much will have to do with your natal chart. If you tend to be fiery with a Mars or Mercury affliction you are more likely to be affected. If you meditate or have had enough therapy and learned to redirect your anger you may be able to avoid most problems. If this is used properly it will simply be a lot of mental energy being emitted, which can certainly result in a positive and productive few days. It’s up to you as to how you handle any transit. Be careful and pay attention to what’s going on around you. If you’re traveling this week you must be conscious not only of your own actions but of those around you. It’s easy to innocently step into a hassle and not be able to extricate from it. Both of these planets will oppose Pluto tomorrow and the intensity of this will continue. Use some caution and try not to get caught up in useless disputes. Any situation that seems dangerous or potentially violent should be approached with great care.
On Wednesday June 19th at 6:52 A.M. EDT the energy of yesterday’s Mercury – Mars conjunct will continue in a slightly different form. Where that aspect was a buildup of pent up energy, this opposition is more about delving deeply into any subject that comes up. As with all oppositions this will be worked out through interaction in all relationships. You will find that conversations take a deep route and nobody will be satisfied with superficial answers. Secrets tend to come out as well as unresolved issues that may have been buried for a long time. Don’t shy away from the truth or you will find it seeping out in ways you can’t control. It’s better to bring things into the light and view them in an honest and open manner. It may not be all that pleasant, but it will be productive and you can clear up some long standing problems. People will continue to be feisty and a bit angry, so don’t expect an easy time of it. But forewarned is forearmed, as they say, and you can make progress in your relationships as long as you are willing to see things clearly.
On Wednesday June 19th at 11:21 P.M. EDT this powerful and potentially violent aspect requires our complete attention. With Mercury also in opposition to Pluto to day you would be wise not to step into unstable situations or get caught up in an argument or fight of any sort. You may not be able to avoid all problems, so stay alert and extricate yourself from any hassles as quickly as you can. If you get into a dispute with someone, find an excuse to depart. If the situation is important enough you can revisit it in a day or two. This can represent pent up or hidden anger, but as with any aspect it has to do with how you approach it. If you can direct this force into positive areas and stay busy, you may be able to be quite productive and get a lot done. Just remember it isn’t only affecting you, but the guy in front of you in line at Starbucks, the woman in the car next to you, and the person on the phone you’re trying to get information from. Don’t push too hard or they will push back.
On Friday June 21st at 10:36 A.M. EDT until November 27th at 7:33 A.M. EDT this strange and unrealistic planet starts its yearly backward trek. While this is in retrograde you may find yourself daydreaming and slipping into fantasies more readily than usual. Allow these feelings to develop in your unconscious. The internalization of retrograde energy does its best work inside us. This is a time to fine tune and clean up your creative projects. Then once Neptune goes direct you should present them to the public. This will be a time of examination of your spiritual and philosophical beliefs. Because of Neptune’s nature it is often the most difficult of planetary influences to grab hold of or direct. When we are going through a difficult Neptune transit the most common problem I hear from my clients is: “I’m confused and don’t know what direction to take.” While that can be a difficult time, it’s mostly a matter of disassociation. We live in a material world where Saturn has the most sway. We must deal with the day-to-day and take care of our responsibilities and obligations. If you are able to get away from the world of concrete and steel and engulf yourself in nature and meditation this will be an easier transit and one that is highly rewarding. But if you feel that you are swimming against the stream and simply can’t stop fighting the tide, it may be uncomfortable and hard to put into play. Because this lasts for so many months, the most difficult period is usually as it begins and ends its retrograde motion. So for the next few weeks it may be more challenging. Once you are used to the energy it will be easier to work with.
On Friday June 21st at 11:54 A.M. EDT we finally enter summer. While June often feels like my favorite season (I am a Cancer, BTW) it’s really July and August that are the meat of summer. Today is the longest day of the year, as many of you know. That’s a good thing, except that now every day will be just a little bit shorter. Oh well. Get out and enjoy yourself. Protect against the Sun, but live, laugh and splash in a pool, river or the ocean. This is when I feel most childlike and all the years seem to fade away. I love to run on the beach, ride the waves on a boogyboard, eat ice cream and pretend that I’m 19 again (as long as I avoid mirrors.) Cancer is the sign of the family. It has much to do with the past and often this is the month people revisit their childhoods – the good the bad and the ugly. It’s a time to spend with anyone you think of as family and to give your emotions more sway than you may normally allow. I like to revisit the places of my youth that are still there. My grandmother had a house in Long Beach NY and I always make it a point to drive out there a few times in July and sit outside that house letting the memories wash over me. So delve into your past and invite your younger self in for a cup of tea and a chat. You may be surprised by what you learn. They say: the child is father to the man.
On Sunday June 23rd at 12:45 P.M. EDT this very nice and pleasant aspect will make us all more sociable and outgoing. This is a great transit for any type of activity, and since this falls on a Sunday you should certainly try to find a place to enjoy yourself. The beaches will be crowded (assuming the weather complies) and there may be traffic wherever you go. Everyone will want to take advantage of this energy. But when these two get together the only real problem is the tendency to overindulge in food, drink, play, intimacy and any other physically enjoyable activity.
On Monday June 24th at 5:59 A.M. EDT romance takes a decidedly unrealistic turn. Don’t believe everything you hear or see. Neptune loves illusions and when it’s affecting an inner planet it will focus that ability into our personal lives. Because Venus rules money and love it’s obviously a few days to keep an eye on your pocketbook and your heart. This isn’t only romantic relationships that can be affected. A close friendship or even a casual encounter might be affected. If you meet someone new you should give it a few days before rushing in. It may look incredibly seductive and unbelievable, but as we learn through life, when something seems too good to be true it probably is. I think new and exciting encounters are wonderful, and even if they don’t pan out in the long run meeting someone new or exploring an exciting emotion can be very rejuvenating and make us feel alive. So go ahead and enjoy yourself. Just don’t give away your money, car or heart. If it’s real it will still be there in a little while. J
On Wednesday June 26th at 8:20 P.M. EDT Mercury enters this fixed fire sign, where it will retrograde on July 7th at 7:15 P.M. EDT. While Mercury is in Cancer, where it will retrograde back for a while in July, we all tend to speak from an overly emotional place and to get drawn back into the past. But when it enters Leo we are more interested in fun and letting our mane down. We will be speaking from a more adventurous and direct place and conversations will be lively and rather theatrical. Leo rules the stage, and this placement is great for public speaking, radio or podcasts. People will be more outgoing and probably argumentative. Leos don’t like to back down from confrontation. And because Leo rules the stage and the acting skills you can expect that there will be moments of overly dramatic expression. Use this energy to make your point and to stand up for your ideas. This is a great placement for all discussions that require a strong will. People born with this placement tend not to be easily dissuaded from their opinion and can certainly project a powerful persona. Now we all will have a chance to experience some of that energy. Mars will join Mercury in this fixed fire sign in a few days and add even more theatrics to our interactions.
On Thursday June 27th at 1:44 P.M. EDT this exciting and exploratory energy will allow us all to seek out new things and to take the road less traveled. Don’t follow your usual routine today. It’s a time to discover something untried and perhaps even radical. While I personally have no interest in bungle-jumping for example, I wouldn’t mind heading to Brooklyn and trying a hundred-year-old Italian restaurant that I’ve heard raves about, and then stroll across that magnificent bridge for a beer in the Lower East Side. Or maybe driving out to Montauk for a few days. There are many ways to pursue the adventurous side of your personality. Find the one that suits you and get out there. This is summer – the time to explore, experience and enjoy.
On Monday July 1st at 7:20 P.M. EDT until August 18th at 1:19 A.M. EDT Mars joins Mercury and travels through this fixed fire sign. This transit takes place once every 2 years and it is usually a very expressive and extroverted time. Expect people to be quite outgoing and theatrical. This is the sign of the Ham in theatre, and you may find that many people are overdoing it to make a point. There will be dramatics and a boisterous approach to most things. Mars rules the ego, and Leo has plenty of room for that. You could say that this is when the ego and the will join forces. If you know anyone with the Sum conjunct Mars in their natal chart you can see just how this is displayed. This is less obvious if that conjunct falls in the 12th house. Use this period to be daring and adventurous. If you’re attracted to someone and find it difficult to be bold, here’s your opportunity. You may be rejected, but if you don’t try you’ll never have the chance. This is a good time for all physical activity and outside actions. Just don’t overdo it if you’re not used to using your muscles. Ease your way into it, but certainly get out there and be active. Adventures of all sorts are waiting. Explore sports, romance and journeys into the world. We will all be young again, at least to some extent.
The next New Moon falls on Tuesday July 2nd at 3:16 P.M. EST at 10 degrees Cancer 38 minutes. The day or two leading up to it will be a particularly low energy period. If you tend to be emotional this may be a very trying time each month. I have found that people with prominent moons or a Cancer Sun, Moon or ascendant respond to the lunar cycles more intensely than others. Spend this time finishing up anything that is incomplete, don’t try to initiate new projects on a waning moon, it just won’t work out. Once the New Moon hits you begin new projects or attempt a new approach to an existing problem. If you have been living in a situation or involved in a relationship that is intolerable or has outlived its usefulness this would be the proper time to move on with your life. If you have been working on a project that is almost complete but you seem to lack the energy for the finality, you must push during these low energy days to end the matter once and for all. If you don’t, when the New Moon arrives it will bring this “dead” energy along with it and conflict with the newer force being presented. Each month we are offered a chance to clean house, so to speak.
Note: All aspects are most powerful and effective as they apply. Once the transit has completed, its force is lessened. The further it separates the weaker it becomes.
Below is a list of times this month when the Moon is Void of Course and neither important decisions nor purchases should be made during these periods. The Void of Course Moon is a time when we should try to center ourselves and deal with spiritual matters not materialistic ones. Any decisions made on the VC Moon will not turn out the way we had expected.
The Moon is Void of Course from the time it makes its last major aspect in a sign until it enters the next sign. For example, if the Moon squares Mars at 27 degrees Aries and then has no more aspects until it enters Taurus it will be Void of Course for three degrees or about 6 hours. The aspects used are the conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition. All times are Eastern Daylight Time:
June 4th 11:42 A.M. – 12:17 P.M.
June 6th 10:10 A.M. – 3:16 P.M.
June 8th 5:23 P.M. – 5:45 P.M.
June 10th 8:01 A.M. – 8:29 P.M. ***Moon is void 12 hours
June 12th 11:15 A.M. – June 13th 12:02 A.M. ***Moon is void 12 hours
June 14th 3:45 P.M. – June 15th 5:03 A.M. ***Moon is void 10 hours
June 17th 4:31 A.M. – 12:13 P.M. ***Moon is void 8 hours
June 19th 7:19 A.M. – 10:01 P.M. ***Moon is void 14 hours
June 21st 10:02 A.M. – June 22nd 10:01 A.M. ***Moon is void 24 hours
June 24th 7:10 P.M. – 10:38 P.M.
June 27th 3:51 A.M. – 9:32 A.M.
June 29th 2:38 P.M. – 5:09 P.M.
July 1st 5:48 P.M. – 9:24 P.M.
July 3rd 10:25 A.M. – 11:19 P.M. ***Moon is void 13 hours
July 5th 2:24 A.M. – July 6th 12:25 A.M. ***Moon is void 22 hours
July 7th 12:50 P.M. – July 8th 2:07 A.M. ***Moon is void 13 hours
May 2019
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