Mercury Enters Cancer:

Mercury Enters Cancer:


On Tuesday June 4th at 4:05 P.M. EDT until June 26th at 8:20 P.M. EDT the planet of thought and communication enters this decidedly emotional sign. This can create a mixture of intellect and feelings that can be quite useful for artists and anyone exploring the inner workings of the psyche, including therapists, performers and anyone dealing with the public. But it can also make some issues foggy and confusing, especially in issues regarding business, finances and relationships. Which is in charge; the mind or the emotions? And how do you decide which path to follow? Now it’s a question of balancing the two and finding common ground where both the intellect and the passions each have a say. When you can combine the two you have an opportunity to create a more satisfying result. Try not to be overly empathetic to the point where you lose yourself while trying to appease everyone. That won’t work. But do allow for your more compassionate side to have a say. This will be a few weeks of some intense conversations when people will be apt to “let it all hang out”. Personal relationships will be the focus of much mental activity and you may find that it’s difficult to avoid those deep probing dialogues. It’s a good time to discuss past issues that have been long ignored and possibly clean up some lingering problems.