New Moon in Gemini:

New Moon in Gemini:


The New Moon falls on Monday June 3rd at 6:02 A.M. EDT at 12 degrees Gemini 34 minutes. As you know, this is the sign of the twins. Its duality is well-known and many people with a lot of Gemini energy tend to change their minds quite frequently, and often are capably of multi-tasking. In fact, they feel more at ease when doing several things at once. Of course there are times when focusing on a single issue can be more productive, but don’t try telling that to a Gemini. This is the sign most associated with communication, exploring new ideas and short journeys. With the Sun and the New Moon in this mutable air sign this is a month to move things forward. Don’t be afraid to explore new ideas or change the direction of a project. You may find a better way of dealing with it. But try not to fall into the Gemini trap of not completing things you have begun. In some ways they can mimic Aries, the sign most associated with starting things they never finish.

Gemini is very much a sociable and relationship oriented sign. It rules the 3rd house of siblings, relatives, neighbors, communication and day-to-day interaction. While it’s true that many Geminis don’t feel comfortable in a conventional marriage and tend to get bored easily and flit between friends and activities, they are most content when interacting with others and feel more secure in groups. Many of the Geminis I know don’t really like solitude and will often surround themselves with people just to hear the chatter. This is one of the most affable of the signs. So try to reflect that attitude this month and stay busy, extroverted and gregarious. You will be very active with thoughts, emails, phone calls, texts and new ideas that will flow continuously.