Venus Trines Saturn:

Venus Trines Saturn:


On Friday May 31st at 11:26 A.M. EDT Venus now aspects Saturn and Pluto with these positive trines. This is a few days when you can adjust the way you interact with others. You will be apt to examine your relationships with a clear mind and see what is and isn’t working out. Anything that has been bothering you about your connection to someone can be worked through. But it requires that you be honest and direct in your approach. You have to face the truth about things and be willing to adjust the relationship in order to put it back on the right track. There is a balance in relationships and financial matters that will help keep things in a good perspective. Don’t ever be afraid of Saturn. It always has a purpose and a good reason for what it brings. Remember that Saturn is exalted in Libra, for without a strong Saturn the foundation of a relationship can turn to quicksand.