Goodbye to a dear man and a friend:

Goodbye to a dear man and a friend:

It’s with deep sadness that I say goodbye to a dear man and a friend. Robert Bernstein, a giant of the publishing business was for many years, the CEO of Random House who expanded that company tenfold under his management, a dynamo who could move mountains. He was also the founder of Human Rights First, an organization dedicated to aiding people everywhere, and spent many years working and lobbying for the rights of people all over the world. To me he was a generous, loving, sweet man who took me under his wing when I first sought an introduction into the book world, and continued to encourage me until the end. His guidance and selfless support gave me the strength to face the daunting task of getting my work published. Oh, and he was a big fan of astrology. Bob was much sought after by the rich and famous throughout his long life. Yet he still found the time to read my manuscripts and reassure me that my work had quality and substance. I know there are far more famous writers, editors and public figures who will share their stories about him. But I just want to add my voice. Thank you Bob. You have been a true inspiration to me and I will never forget you for your wisdom, your efforts and your humor. I will miss you very much. Rest in peace.