The Sun Enter Gemini:

The Sun Enter Gemini:

This is a busy day with a lot of Mercurial energy with the Sun and Mercury entering Gemini and conjuncting this will require our close attention. Stay open minded and be communicative.


On Tuesday May 21st at 3:59 A.M. EDT we enter the mutable air sign. Is there anything less solid than mutable air? That is both the great strength and potential weakness of this sign. It’s difficult to focus this energy as it tends to scatter. I know Geminis who have three screens on their desks, each displaying a different project. They are often capable of multitasking to an incredible degree and can juggle a number of issues never once dropping the ball. But there are times when a lack of focus and determined attention can be a deficit. As with any astrological element or aspect it’s how you use it that matters. The outcome is never predetermined, something that is difficult to explain to students of the celestial arts. If you allow yourself some mental freedom to roam and approach things in a breezy way intellectually, this will be a time when new ideas and ways of looking at your issues will prove quite productive. With Mercury also about to enter Gemini, the sign of its rulership in just a few hours, the force of this sign and its elusive powers will become very clear over the coming days. Mercury will also conjunct the Sun today, so you can expect things to move quickly and for thoughts, ideas and conversations to come fast and furious. Stay focused and try to slow your mind down a bit. That may be difficult at times and if this sets off your chart you might be overwhelmed with the amount of input coming at you. But brief respites, such as a walk in the park, meditation or a cup of tea and a Fats Waller recording may be just enough to keep you on track.