Full Moon in Scorpio:

Full Moon in Scorpio:


This month’s lunar peak occurs on Saturday May 18th at 5:11 P.M. EST at 27 degrees Scorpio 39 minutes. Scorpio energy wants to delve deeply into any situation. It’s never satisfied with superficial answers and seeks to uncover the truth. With Venus conjunct Uranus today as well we could experience some sudden and possibly shocking revelations about a relationship or a financial matter. If there is something that has been kept hidden or ignored it may come to the surface now and demand you deal with it. Keep your eyes open and try to avoid any unnecessary spats. They could get blown out of proportion and lead to a much bigger problem. But if the situation is important enough and is festering, it would be best to bring it out into the light and deal with it once and for all. If not, it will continue to decay and eventually can destroy the very foundation upon which it sits. On the world stage this could signify a rather radical event that could alter the direction we are heading in. With the stock markets so volatile it’s possible that either yesterday (Friday) or the coming Monday we will see a big move in the equities to the down side. The Full Moon is also the energy behind the recent draconian anti-abortion bills passed in Alabama, Ohio and several other states. Those bills will backfire and add more fuel and funding to the more moderate side of the discussion. More than 70% of Americans do not want to see Roe V. Wade overturned.  In any case, on a personal and collective level this aspect is a chance to eliminate problems, expose decay and see just what needs to be repaired. How you go about doing it will determine if this is a positive aspect for you. It certainly has the potential to be so if you make use of the rejuvenating energy Scorpio gives us.