Mercury Trines Saturn:

Mercury Trines Saturn:


On Thursday May 16th at 7:09 P.M. EDT we continue with the Saturn & Pluto energy that began a few days ago (see above). With Mercury’s trines, for the next few days we have an opportunity to put things in perspective and focus on the most important issues. This trine allows you to deal with communications in a very realistic and controlled manner. You should take your time and think things through. If you approach this in the right frame of mind this can be a very productive period between this trine and the upcoming aspect to Pluto. Try to be as productive as you can. Aim your attention towards what is most important and has the best chance of producing a successful conclusion. This can be a financial issue, but it can also manifest as a personal or creative venture that brings you a sense of achievement. You should be able to discuss any issues that need to be examined on a personal or a professional level. Make that phone call and hash things out.