Venus Enters Taurus:

Venus Enters Taurus:


On Wednesday May 15th at 5:46 A.M. EDT until June 8th at 9:37 P.M. EDT Venus joins Mercury, the Sun & Uranus as it enters one of the two signs it rules. With this placement relationships will be stable and feel secure for a time. This is a good period for solidifying your closest connections. You can make long term plans and discuss what your goals are. Although they may lack a certain amount of excitement this is a very good time to establish a strong foundation and make some decisions about the future. With Mars also changing signs today as it enters Cancer this represents a major shift in our personal relationships. Over the past month with Venus in Aries and Mars traveling through Gemini the energy was more aggressive and direct. There was a sense that we had to rush to judgment and push our feelings out in a forced and overly assertive manner. There was a tendency to mask your real emotions and rely more on ego and intellect. Now we are entering a period of heightened emotionalism and a more receptive time. Take a moment to examine your emotions before expressing them. And don’t be afraid to show your true feelings. People will be more sympathetic and understanding.