The Sun Trines Saturn:

The Sun Trines Saturn:


On Saturday May 11th at 5:19 A.M. EDT this very good and realistic trine will set the stage for a day of focused work and direction. This is a day to put things in order and aim your attention towards the most important issues. It’s the beginning of a week of positive and productive aspects when the Sun and Mercury will trine Saturn & Pluto. For the next few days we can get much accomplished without the usual distraction. Try to complete any ongoing situations and make positive use of the excessive Taurus energy that is occurring. There’s a stay-to-it attitude that can work to your advantage and keep you on the right course without diversion. If you need to make a move professionally, shore up your finances, or have an important conversation, this week will provide you with the avenue to do so. But try not to waste it. Trines are not like oppositions or squares that force themselves on us. They are more subtle and can pass without notice unless you use them proactively. Make the most of this week’s energies and move your projects and plans forward.