Venus trines Jupiter:

Venus trines Jupiter:


On Thursday May 9th at 12:56 P.M. EDT this very positive and optimistic trine will bring us all a few hours of potential pleasure and charming interaction. Most people will not wish to argue, but would rather enjoy the beauty of the world and the niceties we sometimes take for granted. While this isn’t the most powerful aspect it does carry a certain ease about it. The only problem is that Venus will square Pluto shortly afterwards, and that is a more intense and difficult energy. Because of the semi-sextile (30 degree angle) between Jupiter and Pluto, today will be a time of changing attitudes and mixed signals. If you are able to focus on this pleasant and gentle vibe it should help you get through the day without problems. But if you are in a difficult period now and issues seem to be a struggle, you may find it harder to express this outgoing sociable force and find that you are caught in the power struggles that Pluto unveils. Mediation and nature can help a great deal. If you can, take a long walk or sit in a quiet space where birds and flowers rule.