Mercury conjuncts Uranus:

Mercury conjuncts Uranus:


On Wednesday May 8th at 10:22 A.M. EDT the energy will change radically. This is a very assertive power and many will be prone to act first and think later. While this isn’t usually a good plan, it can result in intuitive and impulsive thoughts and actions that we might normally be hesitant to express. This can be a sign of genius and intellectual ideas and enlightened concepts. If you can keep this energy in proper perspective it can work to your advantage. But this is a very unrestricted and impetuous aspect that can easily become uncontrollable. This can result in misspoken thoughts, overly aggressive actions, and potentially in accidents as well. With Uranus we often react without our usual safeguards and it’s possible to get into upsetting situations. Use extra care, especially when traveling. Things will be moving very quickly and all it takes in a moment of distraction to create a serious mishap. Use caution while traveling. The speed with which things occur may be beyond our ability to keep up, and accidents are certainly possible. We may hear some unexpected news on the world stage – such as the revelation of Trump’s financial woes in the 1980s as reported in the NY Times. More surprises? Who knows.