Mercury squares Saturn:

Mercury squares Saturn:


On Wednesday May 1st at 4:50 A.M. EDT Mercury will continue this period of activity. The square to Saturn is often a low energy day when it’s difficult to express yourself and you may find that the general attitude is pretty low key. Many people will not be able to say what’s on their minds, and even if you can it may be misunderstood if the other person has fallen under the dour spell of Saturn’s influence. Be honest and realistic and make sure that you are direct in your communications and this won’t give you too much trouble. But don’t expect to have a lot of oomph or take on too many projects. You will run out of steam and be disappointed with the results. If something just doesn’t seem to be working you may be better off leaving it alone for a few days and then revisiting the situation. With Saturn and Pluto in retrograde now the energy of each will be stimulated by the quicker moving planets and you may find that a number of issues that have been stuck in the unconscious come to the surface now and demand your attention. Don’t ignore them or you will have to contend with them more severely on the next aspect they create.

This square will make us all more focused and forced to be realistic about things. There is little patience for BS when these two get together, and it may feel as though there is a taskmaster sitting beside you paying attention to everything you say and think. Don’t try to take shortcuts. Work through each issue to a satisfying conclusion and it will work out okay. One word of advice – when Saturn is involved it’s easy to only see the negative side of things or to worry more than is necessary. Don’t take things or yourself too seriously. It isn’t a bad or averse energy, but it can feel deflating and unenthusiastic. No matter what comes up now it will soon pass and your mood will lighten in a day or so after the square to Pluto completes on Thursday. For today, just get your work done and keep a clear mind.