Pluto Retrogrades:

Pluto Retrogrades:


On Wednesday April 24th at 2:45 P.M. EDT until October 3rd at 2:37 A.M. EDT many issues that have been brewing and seem to be about to come to the surface for resolution will be pushed down into the unconscious for a time. Pluto wants to uncover things and bring them to into the light. But the retrograde motion will subdue that desire and force us all to internalize some of the problems that need to be further examined. Don’t worry, they will just be mulled over for a while and then come to the surface with hopefully a new and better understanding in a few months. Most of us are aware of retrograde Mercury, a well-known event. Some pay attention to Rx Venus or Mars. But those of us who study astrology and do it professionally watch all of the retrograde planets and look deeper into these events. With Saturn also about to retrograde we are entering a period when some important world events and issues will be suppressed as we mull thing over for a while. One place that this will be clear is the results of the Mueller Report. The release of that report isn’t the end of the matter, only the start of the next phase. This may very well be the beginning of the end of the Trump presidency. His aspects are very challenging. I’ll go through them at length in another post. But suffice to say; the Saturn – Pluto conjunct is in opposition to Trump’s Venus – Saturn conjunct. This will continue to put serious pressure on him for the next year. If he succeeds, this will greatly solidify his power. If not, it will end it. I don’t think this bodes well for him. Pluto’s retrograde, along with Jupiter’s and Saturn’s will put the information into the collective consciousness and many people will view the data from an internal place and come to the conclusion about whether to continue supporting this man. The pressure will continue as the House, Senate and lawyers digest what is in this lengthy paper. But the retrograde motion implies that the collective will be involved and affected deeply. Ultimately the decision about Trump will be made on that level and it will be the voters in 2020 that make the final decision. The dominoes are beginning to fall – one into another.

On a personal level we will all be dealing with issues of values and perspective. Expect to revisit some issues that you thought had been resolved, and try not to be too stubborn of set in your ways. Old problems, relationship issues, health concerns and attitudes may come to the surface anew and force us to reexamine how we go about dealing with things. This is true in our personal lives and in subjects that reflect our interaction with the collective. With Pluto you must take responsibility for the situation or you will be pushed aside. But you also must keep an open mind. Used wisely this can be a period of great internal growth that sets up the possibility for more power when Pluto changes direction October 3rd.