The Sun Enters Taurus:

The Sun Enters Taurus:

Today the Sun and Venus change signs. Because these are inner planets our personal lives will experience a major shift in energy and attitude. Pay attention. This is a chance to make changes and redefine the path you are on.


On Saturday April 20th at 4:55 A.M. EDT we enter the fixed earth sign, the heart of spring, so to speak. This sign is known for its stubborn and unbending attitude, and it’s a well-earned one. While Taurus can be very loyal and loving, and deeply emotional (the Moon is in its exaltation here) it can be difficult for the bull to change its mind or its approach to things. There is a tendency to make decisions and fixate on them, not easily swayed into veering off the chosen path. I suggest we all try not to allow this stubborn attitude to control our thoughts and plans. Our inclination will be to stand our ground and wear the other guy down. The great boxer, Joe Lewis, who was world champion for 12 years, was a Taurus, and he certainly fit the mold. He would exhaust his opponents and when they were worn out, knock them down. But most of us don’t have the pugilist skills he had. So if you can find a way to circumvent a direct confrontation and bend a little it may prove a great advantage over those who mindlessly give into the energy around them.


Because Uranus is just getting settled into this sign the Sun will conjunct that most erratic of planets in 2 days. This will set the stage for some rather upsetting events and news. There are places in the world that are about to explode (Israel, our southern border, congress, possibly your marriage (?) to name a few) and there could be an incident very soon that sets off a series of events that will take months to settle. Certainly the recently release Mueller Report fits right into this energy and will become more and more explosive in the coming weeks. You have no control over what happens in the world, but you do have some over your own life. It was Tolstoy who said: “Everyone talks about changing the world. No one talks about changing themselves.” J