Full Moon in Libra:

Full Moon in Libra:


This month’s lunar peak occurs on Friday April 19th at 7:12 A.M. EST at 29 degrees Libra 07 minutes. This is the 2nd month in a row with the Full Moon in Libra. This sometimes occurs when there is a zero degree aspect, as happened in March. Now with this Full Moon occurring at the last degree of Libra, this will be a time of some completions, both in personal relationships and in the collective. Any issues that have been brewing for the past month, or longer, may finally find a solution now. If you’ve been on the fence about something and haven’t been able to make up your mind (often a problem for Libras) you will be forced to do so now. Relationships will be the main focus of this energy. This will not only be true in intimate or romantic connections, but also business partnerships, close friendships and other one-on-one relationships. Be careful how you respond for a few days. Because of this strong desire to find solutions and complete anything that feels unfinished you may be tempted to pull the trigger on some things that just aren’t ready for a radical ending. Look things over carefully and if you’re sure that something needs to be resolved, then by all means do so. There will be a few situations that seem to come undone. Remember that it’s impossible to unsay something once it’s been expressed, so think it through and make sure you are saying what you mean.