Mercury enters Aries

Mercury enters Aries


On Wednesday April 17th at 2:01 A.M. EDT until May 6th at 2:25 P.M. EDT Mercury finally exits Pisces after two months. For the next few weeks we will all be more assertive in our communications. There will be a tendency towards aggressiveness in conversations and other communiques and it’s important to keep an eye on how you’re expressing yourself. You can pretty much count on people saying what’s on their minds without hesitation. This will at least give us all a chance to respond in kind and get the important issues out front. But if you allow any hidden or pent up anger to emerge you may alienate others and make it difficult to find compromise. Aries isn’t known for its gentle side and can at times be brusque and a bit pushy. While it is very much the initiator or the zodiac a certain amount of constraint will help use its power in a better and more directed manner. It can act more as a laser carefully aimed at one point rather than a blast of light that is scattered. Think of it that way when making your point to someone and you may be able to achieve more with less force.