Venus conjuncts Neptune:

Venus conjuncts Neptune:

On Wednesday April 10th at 2:14 A.M. EDT this very creative, but not terribly realistic transit will complete. Because this completes early in the morning its influence will be more powerful Tuesday as it applies. This is a very positive aspect for creative ventures, and the day or two leading up to this may be quite productive for artists and dreamers. But it won’t be as positive for business ventures and there may be some confusion or dishonest concepts presented. Don’t believe everything you hear. Try to validate the information before acting on it. If you have to make an important decision now it would be wise to confer with someone who is usually very realistic. With the Sun in square to Saturn soon after this you may find it difficult to put things in perspective. There’s a strong desire to believe whatever is in front of you. That is Neptune’s strength and weakness. But the Saturn influence is more skeptical and may be rather wary of things that seem too good to be true. The combination of Saturn and Neptune can create a very interesting atmosphere that is a mixture of hope and reality. But these two planets are usually in conflict and the results can be disturbing to many. We had a Saturn – Neptune square during the election of 2016. No matter what your politics may be, you certainly can see that the results weren’t what most expected, nor was there much clarity or resolution to our problems. Be careful for a few days and try to find the most secure and real solutions. With the Sun in square to Saturn and Jupiter retrograding you need to pay close attention to what you’re doing and what’s happening around you.