The Sun squares Saturn:

The Sun squares Saturn:


On Wednesday April 10th at 4:47 A.M. EDT this low energy square may stifle some of your oomph. Don’t try to do too much as this approaches or you may find that you run out of energy. Take care of the most important issues first and focus on anything that has a deadline. Completions are important with Saturn, and this isn’t a time to overextend yourself or you won’t be able to finish anything. Priorities are very much Saturn’s domain and it’s important that you have yours in clear focus. Jupiter is about to retrograde later today, and that is often the beginning of a slowdown on many levels. The stock markets often reverse direction, usually to the down side, and I expect that this will be the beginning of another long term drop in this ongoing sideways market. Take care of the most important things first so you don’t run out of steam. Then if there’s still some energy left over you can delve into other projects.