Jupiter Retrogrades:

Jupiter Retrogrades:


On Wednesday April 10th at 1:00 P.M. EDT until August 11th at 9:38 A.M. EDT this important aspect begins. Growth will slow down and there will be a number of issues that will be affected. For one thing the stock markets and the economy in general will begin to show just how slow the growth has become. For the past number of months we have seek the equities move sideways, but to the up side, ignoring all the warning signs of a worldwide economic slowdown. That’s common as the markets run on continued growth and most investment counselors earn their money by getting you to buy stocks. Now those indicators will become very obvious and can no longer be ignored. The stocks move on a combination of reality and psychology. When people believe the economy is strong they buy, when they think things are heading south, they sell. This is one reason why market crashes occur. It isn’t that there haven’t been indicators for some time that there are problems, but rather that many people believe the hype and continue to invest long after the top should have been made. As I said above, most hedge funds and financial counselors make money when you buy stocks, so it is to their advantage to convince you that everything is just fine. Certainly when you consider that the market go up far more often than they go down investing in the equities makes sense in the long run. But when the markets do go down they get caught up in the psychology of reversal and there is panic selling, which can result in a crash such as the 2008 collapse. Despite the fact that the “great recession” was and continues to be painful to a large segment of our society, had that administration not followed sound advice at that point, we would have entered a depression, which we avoided due to some very intelligent choices. As many of you know I believe we are heading towards another collapse that may not be as easy to circumvent.


Jupiter’s retrograde motion also can create some doubt and disillusionment about our personal as well as our collective potential. During normal periods this is just a few months when we need to slow down and not overextend. You can start new projects or extend existing ones. You don’t have to sit on the sidelines for months waiting for Jupiter to turn around. I don’t believe in using astrology that way. But considering the era we are living through a certain amount of caution would be in order. If this is, in fact a period of slowdown in growth that will be obvious to us on a personal level as well as in world events. Move forward, but cautiously.