Notes on the coming aspects:

Notes on the coming aspects:


The planetary influences taking shape now will have long term effects. Uranus entering Taurus is certainly one of the most powerful, and I’ve written extensively about its potential and will continue to do so. This will uproot many long-held opinions and values, and test the structure and foundation of our very society. The last time this planet traveled through Taurus was from 1934-1942, with brief periods in the adjacent signs. That period was, of course the height of the Great Depression and the beginning of World War Two. The entire world financial system was shattered, and set into motion a number of issues. For one thing, F.D.R. was president throughout this era. He instituted the New Deal and many of the programs we have relied on for the past 80 years, including Social Security, banking regulations, unemployment benefits, the Wagner Act to protect unions, the Fair Labor Act of 1938, the Security & Exchange Commission, (SEC), to name a few.


Now as Uranus returns to this sign many of these programs are being challenged and tested, as often happens with a recurring transit. Will these programs and the ideology they represent continue to be a powerful solidifying part of American values or will they be dismantled and replaced? That is one of the most important issues we are now facing. It isn’t just Social Security and Medicare that are at risk, but the entire approach to collective bargaining, evaluation, and distribution of wealth. Will we enter another Great Depression with this transit? And if so, will the resulting legislature aim towards rebuilding the foundation we have grown accustomed to? Or will there be a reversal of values and a return to pre-Roosevelt philosophy where big business is in control of government and social services? That is one of the judgements the 2020 election will decide.


We are also in the midst of that “Capricorn Era” that I’ve also been lecturing and writing about. It will culminate in 2020 just in time for one of the most important elections in our history. The outcome of this presidential contest will affect our country for at least a generation. If Trump wins reelection there’s no doubt that he will have the opportunity to create a Supreme Court that will be 6-3 or possibly even 7-2 conservative. The results of such a court will tip the scales in issues as widespread as the environment, pollution, election laws, human rights, civil rights, gay rights, abortion rights, and international agendas. While our government was set up to give congress the power to legislate and make policy, it’s obvious that the courts are taking a bigger hand in those things and deciding more and more the issues that should be left up to the Senate and House to negotiate. I have never felt that any judges should be sat for a lifetime appointment, especially Supreme Court Justices. That’s just an antiquated way of viewing the judiciary. Our culture changes from decade to decade, and with it there should be a change in all rulership, just as there is with elected officials. Allowing someone to judge our society for 40 years or more is simply unrealistic and the antithesis of a living constitution. While some people do mature and stay open minded allowing their ideas to change in time, and several justices have changed rather radically, to the surprise of all, the majority do not. To have a Supreme Court Justice still sitting on the bench generations after his or her appointment stifles our freedom and self-expression. I believe there should be a limited time for all federal judges, maybe 10 years. Perhaps their tenure can be extended when it runs out, if the president and congress agree. But to assume that someone will be in power far longer than any elected official is simply un-American.


Now as we approach this powerful and unyielding source of energy the planets are creating, we are entering a period of severe stress, and whatever the outcome of the election may be, we will not see a smooth transition into the coming administration or the continuation of the current one. I will write more about this topic in the coming months and make my predictions about the election and its aftermath. But for now all I will say is that no matter which side you are on, you must realize the long term ramifications of what is happening and try to keep an open mind when looking down the road. This isn’t a matter so much for you, but for your children. Some issues transcend any political moment in history and have such long range results that it is very difficult for many to take off the blinders and recognize that what we decide today will still be effective a generation from now. And the number one issue, as many of us understood as far back as the 80’s, is climate change and the fragility of our planet. Anything short of a radical approach to healing our world will fail, and it is our children and grandchildren who will pay an unimaginable price.