Sun Enters Aries: Happy New Year!

Sun Enters Aries: Happy New Year!


On Wednesday March 20th at 5:59 P.M. EDT we begin the new celestial year. This is the very beginning of the zodiac, what we call the Aries point. Many astrologers celebrate this as the New Year, as it begins the Sun’s journey through the signs. It’s significant that each of the four seasons begins when the Sun enters each of the four cardinal signs. Aries are known as initiators. While they often being things anew, as one would expect being the first sign of the zodiac and representing the start of the solar year, they don’t always complete what they’ve begun. They are known as a rather impulsive group and quite fiery. This is, after all, the cardinal fire sign. This is a good time to begin new projects and to set your goals for the coming year. We each have a New Year at our solar return (birthday), which is often a good starting place for your individual plans and projects. But today the whole world is beginning a new cycle and it’s a good idea to jump on the band wagon. You should find that many people around you have a sense of newness. This is the first day of spring, and while it doesn’t always manifest as the end of winter’s weather, there is a feeling of freshness and hope that can help push us all towards a new path. For the next month you should be aware of the tendency to take on too much and make promises that will not be easy to fulfill. I like to compare Aries to the kid who jumps off the diving board and on the way down looks to see if there’s water in the pool. A little farsightedness will go a long way towards ensuring the success of your plans. Certainly be emboldened and initiate new ideas and projects. But keep in mind that this is only the start of the process. It will take hard work to complete what you now begin. The Full Moon falls a few hours after this ingress and this will be a day of some intensity. I expect some serious actions to take place over the next few days.