Full Moon in Libra:

Full Moon in Libra:


This month’s lunar peak occurs on Wednesday March 20th at 9:43 P.M. EST at 0 degrees Libra 09 minutes. This Full Moon falls on the Aires Point, also called the World Point (zero degrees of cardinal) and its influence is well known. This is a moment when some events on the world stage will take precedent and we could hear something that shakes us up a bit. It could be positive or negative, but it will be profound on some level. Of course with our political and financial situations being so unstable at the moment little would surprise me. The best way to approach this is to be as open-minded and flexible as possible.


On a personal level you will find most people are direct and forceful, and they may respond to even simple things in a rather intense manner. Libra isn’t known for being overly aggressive; it’s more passive-aggressive in its nature. But with the Sun just entering Aries there is an underlying force that will be a factor. Relationships in particular may be disruptive or changing in a radical manner. While change isn’t a bad thing, it can be uncomfortable and emotionally upsetting. If something has been bothering you in a close connection you would be better off bringing it to the surface than letting it fester. Mercury is still in retrograde and it is a time to look at things in an honest and clear way. While there can certainly be some confusion or misunderstandings during the Rx motion, it’s also a time when the world slows down and we have a chance to catch up on many things, including our personal relationships. Venus will square Mars tomorrow morning, and that can lead to disagreements in all personal relationships. Perhaps it would be best to be proactive and clear the air in advance?