Beto O’Rourke’s Astrology:

Beto O’Rourke’s Astrology:


Beto was born on September 26 1972 in El Paso Texas. We do not currently have an accurate birth time. Here is a brief interpretation of his chart without a birth time. This is neither a rebuke nor an endorsement, only an analysis.

The first thing to notice is that he has a tight Sun-Pluto conjunct in Libra. With Mercury close to the Sun as well it shows a powerful talent for communication and an unbending will. This is a strong individual who will not be easily dissuaded from his goals, nor intimidated. He has the resolve to see things through to the end.


Many people who have an outer planet conjunct a personal one, especially the Sun, have strong charisma, and an attitude that they were “meant” to do something great, to be propelled into the spotlight and that they are, in some ways, bigger, greater than those around them. The outer or generational planets are a direct connection to the collective and can create an empathetic contact with the public, for better or worse. Trump was born with Uranus conjunct the Sun, and he has always felt that he was destined to greatness. He also has a powerful connection to a part of the collective. Of course there are many people born with one of these aspects who never achieve world renown, or enter politics, but they may very well present the same attitude in their life and may become the manager of the McDonald’s where they work, overstepping those who have seniority. Or maybe they have hit songs that may not be as wonderful as the singer-songwriter living next door, but there is something in the sound that attracts the collective.


As many of you know, Pluto tends to bring a sense of power and can create an obsessive-compulsive personality. People with a strong Pluto in their chart are often unbending and forceful to a point of pushiness. This is most obvious when the Sun is involved, as it represents the very essence and light of the person. Beto has implied that he was meant to run for president. That is exactly what one would expect with this conjunct. But does this mean that he is right, or that he is certain to win? No. It only shows us what the personality behind the persona is about. In order to predict the outcome of the Democratic nomination we would need to examine the charts of all of the candidates, do a comparative, and look at the upcoming transits, progressions and directions. And even then there is a matter of interpretation, and more to the point, a question of how the collective is feeling and what they need and want, which can supersede the individual. In 2016 the charts of Trump and Hillary were not sufficient to come to a definitive conclusion. But in hindsight the aspects in the sky (Neptune in square to Saturn, among other aspects) and the political atmosphere of the times was more poignant. There’s an old saying: “The times make the man”. This can be very true. At a different place in history Lincoln would have lost, Kennedy would have been defeated by Nixon, Gary Hart would have become president. But each was a prisoner of the times they lived in. As it turned out Nixon did become president, but not for another 8 years when the times and the collective atmosphere were different. Does his chart imply that he couldn’t lose? What if Bobby Kennedy hadn’t been assassinated, would he still have won? What would our history have looked like? At what crossroad do fate and free will meet?


Jupiter is in a close square to that Sun-Pluto in Beto’s chart and adds to that sense of “bigness” and can even produce arrogance in his personality. It isn’t an accident that he came into national prominence at such a young age. The potential is in his chart and the possibilities are tremendous. Even if he doesn’t win the nomination or the election next year he isn’t going away for a long time. This is a person who has a powerful place in the collective and he will be a voice in public for many years.


Transiting Pluto is conjunct his North Node in Capricorn. This certainly shows the power of that natal Pluto return that America is about to experience, and speaks of a purpose and potential to represent a foundation for the collective. Is this enough to guarantee success either in the nomination or the election?


Uranus, ruler of elections, is in trine to his Jupiter also in Capricorn. He is a young man, especially in political terms, and while Capricorn does best as an aging icon, the Capricorn North Node can make the person grow up at a very young age and aims the life’s energy towards issues that would usually be a driving force is someone older.


With America about to experience its Pluto return an argument could be made that Beto is just the person to see us through it. Those with a prominent natal placement of an outer planet do tend to circumvent the transits of that planet to their natal chart more easily than others. It is an energy they are familiar with. Whether this is also true when guiding a nation through such a transit is an interesting question. I do believe that the significance of this period of American history astrologically speaking implies that Beto has an important purpose in the ongoing events. As I said above, even if he doesn’t wind up running or winning, I think he will be a voice of some magnitude during the coming years.


As many of you know, America isn’t just going through its Pluto return. With Mars, Jupiter & Saturn also crossing over our nation’s Pluto we are entering a period totally unknown in history. We can make some assumptions and extrapolate what these aspects may mean, but this is uncharted territory. A few things that we can assume are: This will be a period of intense confrontation when what we believe will be challenged and what we expect may not come to pass. This election could be perhaps the most intense power struggle in our nation’s history. We can expect some violence – of course we are already seeing that occurring more and more in America and around the world. There is a possibility that some of that violence will be directed towards one or more of the candidates. We saw this in 1968, changing our nation’s course suddenly and radically.


We can assume that there will be hidden agendas – Pluto’s domain – come to the surface. Anything hidden in Beto’s past will certainly come to the surface. Pluto digs deep into any subject and brings to the surface what is buried beneath. Pluto rules the elimination of waste, and often brings out any hidden ailment. America has deep rooted infections that need to be brought out into the light so they can be expunged, and that process will continue over the coming years. Even after the election there will not suddenly be a resolution, no matter who wins the White House. The buried anger, frustration and hatred that are so prominent will take a generation to overcome. Towards the end of the Civil War Lincoln began planning the Reconstruction in an attempt to soften the results of that horrible conflict and begin the healing process. Of course it wasn’t meant to be, and with his assassination and the presidency of Andrew Johnson, a rabid pro-southern politician most of the healing of the South and the emancipation of the ex-slaves came to a screeching halt.


So what will the Great Capricorn Alignment mean? Will America be torn apart by partisanship? Will we reach a new, higher mindedness that transcends the pettiness and derisive attitudes that hold us back? Or will we just continue to slog through the muck and wallow in sameness? I believe that all three will have a moment. We already are being torn apart, and all the pretty words and marches will not suddenly heal a rift so wide that it could swallow everything we have spent centuries building. I also believe that many will prefer to just trudge along rather than face the difficulty of changing. But in the end, I think we have the opportunity to begin a new era in American and world history that will address the real issues we face – climate change, financial and ethical inequality, crippling prejudices and bigotry. I have always been an optimist. There’s simply too much Jupiter and Sagittarius in my chart not to have faith in the future. And I continue to hope that we will reach an understanding that puts the radical destructive ideals and individuals outside the circle of human family. The greatest thing that Gene Roddenberry did with Star Trek wasn’t create a powerhouse of highly entertaining shows that helped change the way the movie and entertainment business works, but that he created a reality that takes place far in the future when humankind has survived its most violent impulses in a 3rd World War and moved on to explore the universe in a time when we have come to see humankind as a single entity working towards a common goal, and when greed and selfishness has at least subsided past a place where money and possessions matter most. Yes, it’s fantasy and entertainment. But it brought a sense of faith and hope into our consciousness for generations. That is his legacy – and it is a great one.


So if Beto O’Rourke, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker, or any other candidate has what it takes to inch us closer that that goal, I pray for their success while still tightly holding on to the life raft as we enter these uncharted waters with the storm that is brewing on the horizon.


Some of the most charismatic presidents have a powerfully placed Pluto. Teddy Roosevelt had Pluto in opposition to the Sun. Lincoln had Pluto conjunct Mercury.


It’s obvious that in order to even want to be president of the United States a person must have a huge ego and a sense of entitlement just to face the challenge of the nomination and election process. But if the Trump presidency has taught us one thing it’s that the power of this office is so big, so broad and unlimited it requires someone with at least some humiliated and a conscience or the consequences will be controversial to say the least. Does Beto have an underlying humility? Only time will tell.
