The Sun Squares Jupiter:

The Sun Squares Jupiter:


On Wednesday March 13th at 9:29 P.M. EDT this square will complete as well. Because Jupiter and Pluto are 30 degrees from each other in the sky they will both be aspected by the quicker moving planets the same day. While this is primarily a very positive and sociable transit it requires some attention. This square tends to make us all overdo things. It would be smart to keep things in perspective and not try to do everything at once. Jupiter has a hard time with boundaries and limitations, and the square does tend to force itself upon us. This is usually a very energetic and outgoing energy, and if used properly can be very productive. But if you let things get out of hand you could find yourself juggle way too much and even if you can keep it all in the air, once this square completes it will all come a-tumbling down. This is usually a good day for travel, but again a word of advice – stay in the moment and deal with what’s right in front of you or you will get lost in the big picture. This is not a very good aspect for dealing with details, and it’s easy to make mistakes or miss some small but important thing. You may run to the airport for an early morning flight only to realize once there that the ticket says P.M., not A.M.

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