The Sun Conjuncts Mercury in Pisces:

The Sun Conjuncts Mercury in Pisces:


On Thursday March 14th at 9:48 P.M. EDT this very active mental aspect will make communications direct and forceful. It takes place in spiritual Pisces, so this might be a good time to sit by a fire and look deeply into your soul. Ignore the mundane; money, business, long-range plans all have their place. But this is a moment to delve into the ethereal and for one evening perhaps it would be best to just let the spirit control. If you’re out with your mate, family or friends this can be a very pleasant and gentle time when you may wish to express your love to them. Remember, intimacy means many things, and we all have loved ones who want to feel important and needed. We will all have much to say, but it’s how we say it that matters. Let your heart do the singing today, and give your mind a rest.