New Moon in Pisces:

New Moon in Pisces:


The New Moon falls on Wednesday March 6th at 11:04 A.M. EST at 15 degrees Pisces 47 minutes. The Pisces New Moon represents a special place in the yearly cycle. It’s the last New Moon before the New Year on March 20th when the Sun enters Aries and begins its trek around the zodiac anew. Because Pisces is the last sign this is often a time when we begin the process of completion and endings. It’s a time to say goodbye to many things, relationships and ideas that we have held and it’s best approach with a sense of resolve. Don’t hold on too tightly to those issues that are no longer valid. It can be difficult for many of us to let go and this can be very counterproductive, especially if you are being held back or restricted from trying a new path.


As I said above, with Uranus just entering Taurus we are entering a new phase, a period of radical change in values and ideals. There is no way to know exactly what this will bring, but it is certain to manifest in some unexpected ways. How we deal with the concepts of money and values is essential to our definition of ourselves as a species and culture. There is serious inequity and poverty in a world with an over-abundance of what we require to satisfy everyone’s needs. But unless there are serious changes in how we handle these issues there will be a number of explosive events as Uranus travels through the sign that rules money and values. This New Moon is just moment in time, but it represents some of the deeper problems we face. Let’s hope we can find compromise and rebalance our society in a sane and equitable fashion.


Pisces is Neptune-ruled, and it is perhaps the most spiritual of signs, although I find that all 12 of the signs can be very spiritual in their own way. Pisces is less attached to the material world and can at times reach more deeply into the ethereal and the transcendent and connect us to the sense of universality. This is a time when generosity and compassion play a greater role and you may find that you are called upon to express those traits. Try to be as giving as possible. There may not be a material reward or worldly accolade but this is a time for your soul to make its mark and the gains you will achieve cannot and should not be valued on this plane. Neptune, the ruler of Pisces will conjunct the Moon & the Sun shortly after the New Moon, and this will set the atmosphere for the coming month, adding even more Neptunian energy to the mix. With Mercury in retrograde until March 28th this will be a month of confusion, misdirection and a lot of things being kept hidden. But don’t worry; many of them will come to light often at the most inopportune time. Should be a fun few weeks. J