Uranus enters Taurus:

Uranus enters Taurus:


On Wednesday March 6th at 3:35 A.M. EST this most erratic and unpredictable planet reenters the fixed earth sign, where it will stay until 2026. Because this is occurring right on the Dark of the Moon it implies that there are a number of issues that will be ending now. This will include certain financial matters, and some of our values will be changing in a radical and impulsive way. There are many areas that will be affected by this extended transit, but I am watching the financial markets closely and I expect several periods of instability with serious repercussions. For one thing, Taurus is the 2nd sign of the zodiac and thus rules the natural 2nd house of money, values and possessions. While it doesn’t rule the trading markets or banks directly, any activity in this sign will have worldwide effects on the overall finances and create instability on a base level.  Our values are changing, there’s no question about that. We see it in our political process, and in social and economic situations. There are many issues that are being raised now that will have long term effects on our culture. The divide in our nations is extreme, more so than at any time I can remember. The entire world is being pulled in two directions at once. That’s pretty much what one would expect from a powerful Uranus transit. And whenever this planet changes signs there are some strong repercussions. As it settles into Taurus we will see a number of events, including political upheavals, radical financial changes and even an increase in earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, droughts and other climate actions. It will become impossible to ignore that changes our world is experiencing, and even the most adamant and obstinate climate change deniers will no longer be able to do so without looking foolish. We are most definitely about to enter a period of radical and unpredictable changes. So hang on to your hats and be ready for anything.