Mercury Retrogrades:

Mercury Retrogrades:


On Tuesday March 5th at 1:19 P.M. EST until March 28th at 9:59 A.M. EDT Mercury will be running backwards. As many of you know, this is a thrice a year event that can cause havoc in communications and transportation. It’s a period when normal interaction can be easily upset. There are often problems with computers, cell phones, planes, trains and automobiles. While Mercury is in retrograde you should not buy a new device involving communications or transportation, unless you have no choice. If you lose your phone you may have no choice but to get a new one. Free-will is a relative term that we at times have little control over. But if you can, I would wait before buying a new phone, iPad, computer, car, or even headphones. I have seen people ignore this advice and purchase a new product, then tell me how wonderful it’s working – until the next retrograde when it implodes. Oh well, you can’t convince everyone.


This retrograde will occur in the sign of Pisces, perhaps the most spiritual, confusing and misunderstood of all the signs. Its purpose isn’t material, it’s more ethereal, which is one reason why it, and its ruler Neptune can create problems. We live on the material plane, and as much as we wish to be spiritual beings, and should, in my opinion strive to achieve that goal, there are times when the two philosophies will clash. Always feed your soul and your compassion, but if you don’t feed your body as well there won’t be a place for you to do your work. So pay heed to both. While this retrograde is in effect we will see some secrets revealed as the truth bubbles up from the unconscious. There will be surprises both good and bad, and some things that need to be looked at will demand your attention. Retrograde Mercury isn’t a negative or bad aspect. It can be disruptive, but at times that’s the only way to get someone’s attention. Deal with what comes up in a direct and clear manner and this will be a positive time, even with the unsettledness that may accompany it. Any deals that are made under this retrograde will prove not to be what they seem once Mercury goes direct. This includes personal issues as well as world situations. We will see several things attempted now, and it may seem as though there has been a resolution. But I wouldn’t put too much credibility into it until April when the dust settles and we really see what’s what. Any rally in the stock markets as a result of a “deal” on trade with China should be handled carefully. A reversal in such a deal will result in a severe drop in the equities, no matter how much they may rally at first. And with Uranus about to reenter Taurus where it will remain for about 7 years I expect a lot of volatility in the stocks, bonds and currencies for some time.