Venus enters Aquarius:

Venus enters Aquarius:


Also on Friday March 1st as 11:45 A.M. EST until March 26th at 3:43 P.M. EDT Venus will travel through this exciting sign. You can expect relationships to be adventurous and different, and perhaps a new person will come into your life, especially if Venus sets off your chart just right during the next few weeks. Just try to keep an even mind and give any new situation time to prove it’s what it seems. It can be easy to get caught up in the excitement of something and ignore your usual filters. You should certainly try to have some fun now, especially after a month of Venus’ travels through Capricorn when we all tended towards a more conservative and reserved approach. While Venus is traveling here there will be a number of opportunities for new and adventurous possibilities. Some unusual people may present themselves, or a new project that is radically different from your regular ideas might be just diverse enough to stimulate your creative juices.