Venus conjuncts Pluto:

Venus conjuncts Pluto:


Also on Friday February 22nd at 10:49 P.M. EST we will all be digging deeply into our relationships and trying to uncover the truth about things. While this is a positive application in the long run, it’s quite possible to dig too deeply and bring to the surface some things that may be better off left alone. Anything that does come up now will be difficult to let go of. Pluto’s compulsive nature makes it hard to let things be, and while it may be necessary to discuss some things, with Mercury in square to Jupiter today as well, and with Mercury about to sextile Pluto tomorrow, it’s also very easy to overdo it and make a mountain out of molehill, as they say. So try to tread lightly on issues that aren’t demanding your immediate attention. You can always discuss them at another time when the transits aren’t that challenging. One thing you can be sure of is that whatever comes out now won’t be superficial.