Full Moon in Virgo:

Full Moon in Virgo:


This month’s lunar peak occurs on Tuesday February 19th at 10:54 A.M. EST at 0 degrees Virgo 42 minutes. This Full Moon will test our ability to view things with an open mind and not allow preconceived notions to be overwhelming. All aspects that occur at zero degrees have a more intense feeling. Virgo is a very loving and generous sign. Its energy is quite healing – it rules the natural 6th house of health, and it rules nursing. Many of those I know with much Virgo energy can be gentle and caring. But it also tends to be very detail-oriented and can be a bit nit-picky and get caught up in the little details at times missing the bigger picture. Try to step back a bit and remember that there are issues larger than what you’re facing today. Because of Virgo’s influence in medicine and healing, any health issues that have been simmering in the undercurrent could come to the surface now and demand your attention if this Full Moon hits your chart. This will not make you sick. It will only expose problems that already exist, so if something shows itself, pay attention and have it checked out.


As I wrote above, we are also experiencing Mercury conjunct Neptune today and this will be a moment when great compassion will be needed. Do what you can and realize that you may not ever know what you have given another with your kindness, nor get any accolade for your actions, but that isn’t why we give. I think if people could learn to love just for the giving and not for what we may get in return we would all be better humans. One can only hope. J