Venus Conjuncts Saturn:

Venus Conjuncts Saturn:


Also on Monday February 18th at 5:52 A.M. EST this rather dour conjunct will give us a day of some restrictions and limitations. Because Venus is currently traveling through Saturn-ruled Capricorn this aspect may be more powerful than usual. For a day or so leading up to this conjunct many will feel tired or unenthusiastic about things. Don’t take it too seriously. This isn’t the easiest aspect for interacting with others. Friendships, business partnerships and especially intimate relationships may be difficult to deal with. But Saturn’s realistic approach will challenge any relationship that has been experiencing difficulties and demand that you see things in a clear and honest light. There are times when we must examine our closest connections and make sure that they are still valid and serving a purpose in our lives. Those that are still effective will pass the test and become even stronger. Only those that are no longer useful will feel a negative effect. In some cases you may find it necessary to end the relationship altogether. But this will only be true about those that are holding you back from your personal growth. Sometimes it necessary to weed out a garden so new life can find room to blossom. But don’t jump the gun. Mostly it’s a moment of reflection and testing. Even if you do feel that something has outlived its purpose you don’t have to act suddenly. You can mull it over for a few days and then if you still feel that way, you can respond accordingly.