Mars enters Taurus:

Mars enters Taurus:


On Thursday February 14th Valentine’s Day at 5:51 A.M. EST until March 31st at 2:12 A.M. EDT the god of war enters the 2nd sign of fixed earth. This can be the most stubborn of signs and with Mars’ well-earned reputation as an aggressive energy it may be hard to divert any conflicts or to find common ground. Taurus isn’t known for its ability to compromise, and that is where we may have the most difficulty with this transit. While Mars is traveling here it would be best to make your decisions after carefully examining all possibilities and then go into the situation assuming the other person has done the same. If you can be somewhat flexible you may be able to accomplish a great deal. Taurus wants to achieve earthly success, and Mars rules the ego. So the issue isn’t with the desire to get things done, but rather with an unbending will that doesn’t readily accept change. If you can be the one willing to make concessions you will have a stronger hand and more power. Because Mars travels through this sign for about 6 weeks there will probably be a number of circumstances that will offer us an opportunity to learn this lesson and to find the will for flexibility. Try to take advantage of it. Interesting that on St. Valentine’s Day Mars would enter this Venus-ruled sign. There will certainly be a lot of interaction between the sexes this month, not all of it pleasant or gentle. But it will be direct and active. Let the fun begin!