Mars conjunct Uranus

Mars conjunct Uranus


On Wednesday February 13th at 1:19 A.M. EST an electric surge will shoot through the world. Because this completes early in the morning its effects will be strongest the night before, and its energy will be waning by late morning Wednesday. Still, it is setting the tone for a few days in advance and a day or so following its completion, so caution is called for. While this is a dangerous and potentially explosive aspect and it requires your close attention, it can also represent an opportunity to push through any blocks or resistance you may be experiencing. In this fashion it can be a very positive and proactive moment that can have extremely productive results. But remember that this is a tremendous amount of energy being focused, and if it isn’t handled properly it could result in accidents, disputes or even acts of violence. Most of us will not experience the most radical of reactions, but disagreements are certainly possible, so try not to overreact to some small slight. Pay attention and don’t overreact. Because this can be an accident waiting to happen you need to be aware of your surroundings and be extra careful when traveling. If this sets off your chart you may be prone to anger, and if you aren’t paying attention to your inner feelings you might not be conscious of your rage. That could easily manifest as a volatile situation. But even if you are feeling some anger, if you stay alert and can direct your irritation into a more productive outlet, or can find a passive place within, you can avoid most complications. If you can work with this energy you will be able to move your projects forward or unclog a logjam that may have been causing you frustration. It’s really all about attitude and how you approach a situation. Unconscious energy will act on its own volition. But if it’s focused and consciously directed it will do your bidding.