Mercury enters Pisces

Mercury enters Pisces


On Sunday February 10th at 5:51 A.M. EST until April 17th at 2:01 A.M. EDT the planet of communication will travel through this spiritual sign. Because of the retrograde action of Mercury it will stay in Pisces for more than 2 months, a rather long period in one sign. This will create some confusion and can make decisions difficult to come to. You may find yourself more interested in creative or spiritual issues than usual. This can be a very good placement for artists, but a difficult one for business. For one thing, this sign doesn’t care that much about the material world. It’s more concerned with our inner workings and the underlying sense of karma and compassion. While this is a wonderful and important thing, it is in some ways the opposite of our realistic attitude that our society is mostly based on. People with a heavily Neptunian chart can at times feel out of place in this world and may even eventually feel the need to remove themselves to a more remote and gentler lifestyle , especially if Mercury is involved either in this sign or by hard aspect to Neptune. While I don’t expect too many people to rush off and live in the wilderness or escape to the desert during this transit, there may be an underlying sense of displacement that the more sensitive among us may experience. If you do feel somewhat out of sorts while this transit occurs, look at your own natal chart and see how Neptune, Pisces and the 12th house are aspected. Find creative outlets over the next few months as well as ways to express your compassion and generosity. You may find this to be a very enlightening and profound time if you use it properly. And make an effort to ensure that your communications are understood.