New Moon in Aquarius:

New Moon in Aquarius:


The New Moon falls on Monday February 4th at 4:04 P.M. EST at 15 degrees Aquarius 45 minutes. This month is all about the sudden unpredictability of Aquarius. This can be a very positive or a difficult thing depending on how you approach it. This is a chance to begin new projects and to look at your situation from an unusual perspective. If you can tune into the affirmative side of this energy you may be able to break free from preconceived notions and find a different way of dealing with ongoing problems. This can be inspirational and exciting, and it does offer the opportunity to explore an expansion of boundaries and unusual ways of dealing with things. But this sign can also express itself in radical and unexpected ways that make it hard to handle. There is an erratic and unpredictable side to this sign that at times can be difficult to make and stick to plans, and the best way to prepare for this is to try to remain flexible. If you approach things from too rigid an attitude you may not be open to new ideas or perspectives that come your way. If you go into this period with your eyes open it may be a very productive and liberating time.


This is often the time when the weather reminds us who’s in charge and we see severe and dangerous situations. With the recent deep freeze in the Midwest we see what winter is capable of. As we enter Aquarius it’s important to expect the unexpected, which certainly includes weather events. Those who see this current arctic weather pattern and say: “Global warming is a hoax look at how cold it is” are misguided. They don’t understand the difference between weather and climate, and they draw their conclusions without knowledge or common sense. But then, as they say, common sense is not that common. There are some who still deny that climate change is occurring, or that humankind is greatly responsible. I even know a few astrologers who feel that way. I find it absolutely amazing and a little sad that with all the information and research and with the vast majority of scientists in agreement that they refuse to see the truth, either because of a warped political perspective or just a lack of intelligence. Weather is what we deal with day to day – is it sunny or raining, or is snow in the forecast? But climate has to do with long term effects that are measured in decades or centuries. As the Arctic ice continues to melt it will release much of its pent up frigid energy into the atmosphere, which will move down the continent and periodically brutally affect the northern states. This cold is not a denial of global warming, but rather a confirmation of it. You don’t have to believe me, but please do some studying and learn what this is all about. Otherwise you will just look foolish and push forward a dangerous agenda.

New Moon in Aquarius happening: Sudden change in plan for renewal of health practice by purchasing therapeutic equipment on sale and starting a class in relocation Astrology! Also first snow of season. Weather had been a warmish mid 40’s.