Saturn sextile Neptune

Saturn sextile Neptune


On Thursday January 31st as 9:21 A.M. EST this aspect completes for the first time. This will return June 18th and November 8th. This year we will see Jupiter in square to Neptune three times, and Saturn in sextile to Neptune three times. This sextile will help us focus the energy of Neptune and may present many of us with an opportunity to reach a better balance between the material and the ethereal. Saturn is all about realism in its many forms, while Neptune has little regard for the day to day activities we face. This sextile can help us find a place of stability between the two. While this isn’t usually an event oriented transit the underlying effects can be subtle but have a powerful effect on our sense of reality and create an atmosphere that allows inner growth and a strong sense of our soul’s purpose. Hopefully it will create an undercurrent of compassion and help us all find our center. We are heading towards a severe build up in 2020 with Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto all conjunct in Saturn-ruled Capricorn. Maybe this sextile will soften that energy enough to allow a level of understanding and a desire for peace and compromise. I think it’s up to each individual to focus on this energy. It is very easy to ignore it. Sextiles do not force themselves upon us as the hard aspects do. They can be very operative, but require our help to make them effective.